Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ten things I didn't know before becoming a parent

Either through my own experiences or through friends, family and daycare, here are a few things I've  discovered in the first few years of becoming a parent. 
  1. A baby's laugh warms your heart more than anything else possibly could. I dare you not to laugh as well.
  2. A Happy Meal is very aptly named. We don't do it too often but once a month or so when it's Happy Meal time,  the joy and excitement is pretty infectious.... and their McBistro sandwiches are a yummy, healthy alternative for the adults. 
  3. Your lips on their forehead works better at detecting a fever than any thermometer
  4. Potty train in the summer months if you can help it
  5. As babies, a bedtime routine is the best thing I've done for both girls... and for myself. Massage, bath. Book, bottle or breast and then bed! Many a new mom have thanked me for that bit of advice.
  6. You will never watch the evening news or read the paper again the same way. Everytime you hear or read of an awful accident  or tragedy involving, you will think of your child, that child and that child's mother and the immense heartache they are going through and say a small prayer (well I do anyway) for the affected family
  7. A wet comb through their hair makes the smoothest ponytail
  8. Spend time alone with each child doing a special activity. Darin is better at this than I am but ever so often they (D&C) do a Timmy's run where I suspect she gets a donut for breakfast.  
  9. You don't need to spend a lot of money on toys-- especially when they are babies. Old remote controls, scarves containers and blocks can keep them entertained for ages
  10. You will never sleep as little or laugh as much as when you have a baby. Also, you will never EVER love as much. 

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