Happy Thanksgiving Eve, Americans! That's totally a thing... Here are all the random happenings around here
What we're eating this week?
Monday- Callalloo Soup
Tuesday- Portuguese chicken and salad
Wednesday- FIsh and veggies of some sort
Thursday- A mini thanksgiving spread in honour of my American family.. not the full works: turkey, stuffing, some mashed cauli and some yet to be determined veggies!
Friday- Date night... destination still TBD
What I'm reminiscing about
10 years ago when I spent Thanksgiving in NYC with an all new 6 month old daughter... and the Black Friday Sale when I got a grey coat for less than $40 and a white one for about $80. Still have them both.
What I'm loving
This William Sonoma set one of my girlfriends gave me as a hostess gift last year and I'm busting out just in time for the holiday season.... Love the winter forest scent.
Oh and my Plum Plus membership with Indigo... I've made back my money already!
What we've been up to…
It's been a whole lot of busy. From work to eye appointments to getting new glasses for an even more near sighted kid to snow tires to parent teacher interviews to christmas decorating to single parenting due to conferences/meetings. A whole lot of busy.
What I'm dreading…
Timing my very first swim meet. This year they've upped the volunteer commitment for swim from 2 to 4 or you pay $600. I had to do a timing clinic and everything. It's going to be 4-5 hours in the sweltering pool.
What I'm working on
Pre work before tax season begins come January.
What I'm excited about…
I'm looking into doing this kindness calendar for my kids for their Advent Calendar as well as a tiny treat.
What I'm watching/reading…
Just wrapping up all those mid season finales and starting on those christmas movies in the background. Also, what did you guys think of DWTS. I was shooketh that Dawson didn't make it to the finals and watched half heartedly after but I'm happy for my girl, Hannah. I did love both Kel's and Ally's freestyles though.
Reading will be it's own separate post coming soon but I'm starting some Christmas reading now.
What I'm listening to..
I'm loving my guided meditation in the am so much so that I'm going to ask for a subscription as my Christmas present.
What I'm wearing…
I got a couple nicer tops and sweaters when we headed to Sherway this weekend and I can't wait to bust them out. If I were a better blogger, I'd have pictures of them along with some affiliate links ha!
What I'm doing this weekend…
Date night, some neighbours from our old hood are visiting, a holiday trolley ride, timing a swim meet (ugg) and maybe we can get started on some baking!
What I'm looking forward to next month?
A whole lot of holiday spirit obvi but a whole lot of giving thrown in a well. We have a couple awesome charitable things in mind.
What else is new?
Christmas decor post coming soon... here is a sneak peek.
Have a wonderful Wednesday, loves!