It was such a cold weekend. There was snow, wind and minus something weather. Besides that, Darin was on call and hardly home. And then also from next week, it gets pretty hectic with all our Christmas stuff going on. So we decided that this weather and weekend would be the perfect opportunity to have our annual tree decorating party (Please note that the word 'party' is
very loosely defined in this case). Cassia was thrilled as all of last week she was begging me to decorate.... and as all three of us did it, it really was a Mommy and Me post. Speaking of which, once again, I'm linking up with
Everyday Love for this wonderful series.
So I should preface this post by saying that I am a little bit obsessed with Christmas Tree decorating. I really don't think we'll ever get a real Christmas tree as since we put so much work into the decorating, I like the tree to be up by the last week in November and taken down after January 6th (I've always known that to be the official end of Christmas). I love spending time just staring at my tree all through December and I also enjoy looking at other people's well decorated trees (yes, I mean yours Aunty Mala).
For our trees, I used to do a different theme every year. There's a system, and order in which things go on the tree and it takes about a week of off and on adjusting and readjusting-- I told you it's a lot of work-- but trust me we spend many a winter night having great conversations and special family moments around our tree.
The images really don't do it justice but the first year we got married, I did red and purple.
Then there was that time that I did a fall inspired tree with gold, rust, yellow and green
When Cassia was born, I did a pink tree.
For the past few years though, I got tired of spending all this money, creativity and time on different themes every year so now it's pretty much the same tree that I tend to do every year now.
Okay, I realise I haven't gotten to the Mommy and Me part just yet... didn't I say I'm a little obsessed with Christmas tree decorating. Cassia was so keyed up for out party . She virtually danced all around us as we were assembling the tree, sulked when we told her she couldn't help with the lights, began hanging decorations
the minute I told her she could--- of course all at one level and on one branch--- all the while dancing and singing Christmas carols. Yes she messed with my system and order in which I decorate and yes, that's when I took a wine break (it was a party after all) but all in all I really enjoyed her company and her festive spirit!
Let the fun begin!
Taking a dance break-- I mean who doesn't bust out a move to Frosty the Snowman?
And a smores break.
Posing away |
Sweet Anjali also enjoyed the party. She was dancing to the Christmas music, trying to help put up the ornaments and asking me to lift her so she could check all the different ornaments on the higher branches.
Getting in on the action |
Does anyone notice a present under the tree |
This is one of the more fun parts of having little girls. Yes, right now, we had to break for food, bath and bed but I can see us all decorating. together in the future. Us and our very own annual tree decorating party--- Daddy can be in charge of lights and takeout!
PS I tried taking pics of the finished product, but the lighting was terrible. When everything is done, I will post more pics of all the Christmas decor.