Monday, October 6, 2014

Everyday life- week 38 and 39

And it's Monday again... the week before a long weekend, so that should make it go faster right?! 

As per the norm every couple weeks,  I post my pictures from our everyday life. I know that I will look back at these days of my life when my kids were babies and think that these were the best (and sometimes trickiest) days of my life. So we're doing a picture a day for 2014.   

Day #262
Because we do socks and sandals when it's neither fall nor summer. #babylogic #shedressedherself

Day #263
When you're cool the sun shines 24 hours a day....

Day #264
Friday = takeout and wine. This time it was sushi for dinner....

Day #265
We went to spend some time with sweet Raven and her family before they get their new addition. 

Day #266
Horsing around, as per our usual playground behaviour

Day #267
People, I have no words. And I didn't do this...

Day #268
Sometimes-- just sometimes, sisters share. 

Day #269
Spending time at Family Night for the girls' montessori. 

Day #270
Cassia had one of her ballerina friends from Montessori come over and they had a little dance party. I couldn't get a shot of them but it was quite impressive to see all the musicality in these five years old. 

Day #271
Right before bowling. Yes, I wore that to bowling. #fashionistasunite 

Day #272
Our apple picking adventure

DAy #273
My friend Petal came over with her family and we brought our (dusty) swing our for her 2 month old cutie. Look who decided to horse around (and get stuck) in there.

Day #274
Leftover corn- soup.... best-thing-ever

Day #275
I have the same one of Cassia in my shoes.

Day #276
Someone is pondering the idea of lining up for a sticker in music class.

Linking up with Leann for Join the Gossip
and then Mama Mondays with Leslynn
and for the Grateful Heart with Ember Grey


  1. So many sweet memories! G has recently started to pit on my shoes. It cracks me up.

  2. Such sweet girls! Love the family pic!

  3. Memorable and different types of photos, the girls have all different types of expressions, happy, sad, thoughtful, funny and mischievous. Can't wait to see them.

  4. Very sweet! I agree, those real life moments are the best!

  5. I love that you are taking a picture every day of the year! I'm sure they will change so much in that year and you will freak out because it went by so fast! :)

  6. Your girls are so beautiful! I totally agree every opportunity warrants dressing up even if it is to go bowling :-) Little girls in ballet is the sweetest thing ever. Thank so much for linking up on Friday!

  7. Such a beautiful family photo in that apple picking picture!

  8. haha! Too cute! And that corn soup looks SO good- I will have to check that out!

  9. Stopping by from the link up! Your girls are adorable! We went apple picking too. It's great to capture all these moments.
    ~Sierra & Faith
    @Winks and Eyerolls

  10. Day #267...LMBO! Your girls are too cute.

  11. Day #267...LMBO! Your girls are too cute.

  12. Love all the photos, your girls are adorable :)


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