And though she be but little, she is fierce.
Hello!!! Here's what's been going on around here lately.
What we're eating this week:
Eating healthy-ish...
Monday: roasted cauliflower, pan fried steamed halibut and potatoes for the kids.
Tuesday: lentil turkey sausage soup
Wednesday: fish tacos or shrimp of some sort.
Thursday: veggie burgers maybe? We try to do meatless....
Friday: maybe some takeout or some sort of finger food Friday.
Weekends will be time on the grill, some tacos and maybe one set of takeout
We are obsessed with this Greek seven layered dip after my friend made it and have had it three times in the last month. Super healthy and so yummy!
What I'm reminiscing about:
DIfferent sorts of summers. The summers of my childhood were a whole lot like this one. Not a whole lot scheduled, later mornings, ice cream, a little academia and different activities at home. I'm not complaining too much though the summer camps are fun for the kids and seeing friends and family often is a whole lot of awesome.
Making soaps is one of those random activities!
So is playing with neighbourhood dogs as we can't find one of our own... Everyone has a waiting list--- even the shelters.
What I'm dreading:
News comes out this week in Ontario about schools. I'm scared to see what they do with French Immersion, the program that both my kids are in.... there is talk about it not being an option anymore because of smaller class sizes and a shortage of french teachers.
What I'm loving:
My garden is bringing us a whole lot of happy. Peppers, beans and tomatoes are ready and we have the cutest little eggplants and watermelons that should be ready in a bit!
What we've been up to
Doing little day trips here and there. We went to the lavender farm the other day. It was so picturesque.
Pictures coming soon!
What I'm working on
Still trying to figure out our backyard stuff. So much sun in that backyard that renders it unusable for so much of this beautiful summer.
What I'm excited about
We are heading to some beaches next week and it will be good to do a mini vacay of sorts.
What I'm watching/reading
My kids love the babysitters club series of my childhood, turned into the graphic novels of their childhood, now a series on Netflix and we just finished it.
We also watch World of Dance as a family and America's got Talent sometimes!
I've read so much lately.... I really need to do a few recaps-- it all won't be able to fit into one.
What I'm listening to:
The Headspace mini podcasts. Andy does one every day and they are just a few minutes each.
What I'm wearing:
Lots of loose summer dresses, swimwear, gym stuff and comfy cool clothes. It has been a scorcher of a summer and I'm NOT complaining as come November, I'll be fondly reminiscing.
What I'm doing this weekend
What else is new:
Have a great week, friends!