Happy Wednesday and Happy Thankgiving Eve to all my American friends and family. Because of my trip tomorrow, I'm getting busy with a lot of organising, prepping and packing--- I don't want my family to eat takeout every single day--- and with D in charge and working long hours then having to do pick up and drop off that's what may happen if I don't prep a meal or two…. so I shall cook-- at least for a couple meals--- and then my family won't eat pizza all weekend. Just half of the weekend…
Onto our everyday life pics--- 1 pic a day, everyday in 2014.
Day #318
I was flat out sick but this chick made me laugh, hijacking a soother (this was Cassia's soother when she was a baby) and refusing to let it go. Sidenote, she does not usually use one but took a fancy to this one. #sistergerms
Day #319
Took my girls out for Swiss Chalet-- a massive undertaking when you're getting over a bug. There was juice spilling, tears because the pasta didn't taste right and lots of fries being eaten
Day #320
We went to a very cool science party--- our friends Alex and Jenn had one for their five year old son. You know, Jenn & Alex from the Frozen Party fame? The kids were captivated by all the cool experiments Alex did and the Trash Pack cake he baked. Now C can't decide what she wants to do for her birthday! I'm thinking a grocery store sheet cake and a pat on the back but she has other plans--- and her birthday is about 5 months away, in case you were wondering.
Day #321
It was freezing but my kids bundled up and headed out into the back yard.
Day #322
Monday nights are DWTS nights
DAy #323
I had to take my E Shakti shots and D of course took a few candids. Needless to say, this one did not make the cut
Day #324
I tell A smile and this is what I get! #noflashmama
Day #325
Snow is so pretty but shovelling is not! #freezinginnovember
Also know as the day A went to town on the peppers!
Day #326
Because Friday mornings are made for dancing!
Hope my American friends have a wonderful Thankgiving!