+ pretended we were American and had American Thanksgiving-- with an American friend and her family so it totally counts, no?
+ shopped our faces of for Black Friday (not pictured)
+ began choosing little details for our new home. (said details coming soon)
+ made cookies with daddy and ate them all up
+ wore our Christmas pjs
+ went to this huge play centre for Aaron's third birthday. Think carousels, trains and other rides.
+ waited at a restaurant for Daddy and Aja to finish seeing the new Bond Movie in what seemed like dog years. grrrr…..
+ attended a kid's Christmas party complete with a magician and entertainment
+ hung out with my brother and his family for the first time in weeks. They were travelling and we missed them so….
+ began trimming our tree.
And just like that it became Monday---- but no ordinary Monday. My favourite Monday of the year! Cyber Monday!!!
How was your weekend?