Happy October Wednesday, friends! Here's what's been going on with us...
What we're eating?
Monday: turkey burgers
Taco Tuesday!
Wednesday: breakfast for dinner
Thursday- meatless so maybe some sort of pasta
Friday: snow crab night
What I'm reminiscing about?
This itty bitty eighteen month old who is now eight. Oh how time flies.
What I'm loving?
The beautiful changing leaves in my backyard. Such brilliant colours and when they fall, we get to see the river again!
What I'm dreading?
Well, someone close to me is going through some personal issues and oh man is it tough to see. My prayers and thoughts are always surrounding that person.
What we've been up to?
The girls' extra curricular is in full swing. This year, C is doing violin, piano, dance and competitive swim. A is doing dance, Kindermusik, skating and all round sass- seriously... Missy takes sass to a whole 'nother level.
Oh and all things fall.
What I'm excited about?
November heralds the start of the most beautiful time of the year :-)
What I'm watching/reading?
I watch DWTS (I'm a Jordan Fisher fan), Dr. Oz, This is Us, Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy and Scandal. When I'm doing housework, Gilmore Girls or Dr. Oz keeps me company.
As for reading, my book club is reading Cocoa Beach by Beatrice Williams. I'm racing to finish it before next Monday.
What I'm listening to?
The radio and podcasts.
What I'm wearing?
Jeans, tunics, leggings and scarves-- my fall and winter uniform. It's been a pretty warm December though so I'm not complaining
What I'm doing this weekend?
My cousin and my aunt are coming to visit from the US for a couple days. We are going to spend lots of family time together :-)
We might also sneak in a target visit when we drop them back across the border!
What are you looking forward to next month?
So much busyness. Getting ready for the holidays is hard work but so much fun yo'.... my five year old says 'yo' lots and it's catching on in our family.
What else is new?
#bergalloo sent this photo of the flower girl and the marines the other day.
And finally, what Thanksgiving side is your favourite?
Stuffing for sure!!
THIS IS US! You guys... the end of last night's episode! This will be a heart wrenching season!
Linking up with the lovely Mel, Shay and Shaeffer