Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Favourites

Happy Friday, friends! What are your favourites these days!

1- Some damage has been happening with the Nordstrom anniversary sale! These capris, the lightest hoops ever and my favourite fall into winter tunics are just a few of my purchases. 

Only four more sale days to go!

2-  These Celebration cookies with the chocolate already 'attached to the cookie make s'mores a true celebration…. my friend Jenn who introduced me to them is a certified genius I kid you not.

4- Who here can't wait for Bachelor in Paradise…. one of my favourite, trashy summer indulgences! 

5- Disney, disney, disney!!! Coming up in two weeks!!!

6- This little lady had her sunshine birthday party last Saturday… pictures coming soon.

6- And just because I'm behind in my everyday pictures, here's just a few….

Day #183
My brother and his family came to my house for the first time. 

Beer and chicago popcorn-- the stuff that late night fun is made of.

 Day #184
Hello Canada Day--- We had a little BBQ fun with friends and family in our backyard.
(on my real camera still to be downloaded)

Day #185
My sister in law and I did a lot of running around for their move to TO. We went to Lee in Toronto for what is definitely one of my favourite dishes EVER. Their singapore slaw is a combo of 17 different veggies and spices and is to die for!!!

Day #186
We had our inaugural pool day at my friend Jenn's house. We have spent a lot of time there :-)

And of course, there was a show to follow


Followed by bubblegum ice-cream

Day #187
A huge BBQ at our friend's house followed by what else--- s'mores!!

Day #188
We were on the go a lot so we just took it easy and took A to see her first movie 'Inside Out'. She was surprising good…. although C sobbed like a baby towards the end. 

Then to the book-store and dinner!

Day #189
D was off this week so we headed to Centre Island in Toronto. A fun ferry ride to an island with lots of rides, a beach, parks and a little zoo.

Petting a pig

Another weekend… make it an awesome one, everyone!!!

Linking up with
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday
Amy for Hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favourites

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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What's up, Wednesday!?

Time to play catch up on what's been going on with us this summer on this fine Wednesday!!! (Note that a couple recurrent themes abound in this post-- ahem, Disney & summer)

                                                                      What we're eating:
       We may have jumped off fallen off the wagon this month. Think eating out, carbs and a bit more    sugar than I'd care to mention!! For us and the kids! Summer eating is just so much fun!

                                                            What I'm reminiscing about:
A's sunshine party this weekend. You know when you have a party and you're thinking about it for a few days after…. well, we're at that point now. Talking about the good, the bad and the extremely chaotic… think 23 kids and a similar amount of adults, people!

                                                                   What I'm loving
White wine spritzers--- so refreshing in the summer. 
And spending time with my nephew.

                                                              What we've been up to
Everything summer-- seriously, this summer has been busy but SO very much fun with tons of playdates, day trips and pool time.

And s'mores :-)

                                                                 What I'm dreading
Part 2 of Basement cleanup. But I'm looking forward to it as well.

                                                              What I'm working on
Summer fun for my kiddos! And a little Disney planning. And my blog needs a lil' loving too. 

                                                          What I'm excited about…
                                    My kids and their reaction to our week at Disney

                                                        What I'm watching/reading
I don't do a whole lot of TV watching in the summer but I've been indulging in a little Mistresses and will be watching a little train wreck called Bachelor in Paradise. Full House reruns have also been on repeat this summer. And I read Carole Ratzewille's book 'What Remains'. So well written and it stayed with me for days. Now I'm officially intrigued by the Kennedys and may be reading a couple more books about them

                                                          What I'm listening to
Gretchen Reuben podcasts in the gym.

                                                            What I'm wearing
Full on swimsuits, summer shorts, halters, capris and dresses… And sunscreen of course :-)

                                                  What I'm doing this weekend
We have a long weekend with the Monday off here in Canada so on Saturday we are going to watch the Caribana parade in Toronto. On Sunday, we are planning to go berry picking and to a picnic and on Monday, we might just have a BBQ. 

                                             What I'm looking forward to next month
Squeezing every bit of summer fun we can before school starts. And DISNEY of course

                                                                      What else is new….
We have a newly minted three year old in the house. My brother, sister in law and nephew are around for this year so we are seeing them several times for the week.

                                             What will I miss most about summer?
All the fun we've been having. The time spent with family and friends. And the heat! I'm an island girl after all…

                                                Linking up with the lovely Mel, Shay and Shaeffer

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Wednesday, July 22, 2015


And just like that, she turned three… She will always be my baby but all of a sudden she is also my little lady!

Lots of smiles, chats and sass!

Big toothy grins and winsome winks

A whole bunch of 'because I love you's' when she's obvs in the wrong

A whole lot of singing, dancing and twirling…. a little grace and a touch of clumsiness all rolled into one. 

Just like your big sis, a love for playdates, pasta and parties!

And yeah, there have been tears and tantrums and sometimes it can get real tough in these parts.

But let's be real, there is a certain part of my heart reserved just for you, little one! You melt your momma's heart!

And here's her last year

Here's July last year on your actual birthday

August in NYC

First day of school in September

Your first real trick or treating Halloween

A little snacking in November

Our little family on Christmas Eve in December

January in Trinidad

Potty Training happened in February
Goodbye diapers!

March-break in Deerhurst 

For Cassia's party in April

May at some family's house-- My favourite pic this year.

June in Central Park, NYC

And here we are in July once again.

Happy Birthday, sweetie!! We love you so very much!!

Linking up with Jess  for It's The Little Things.

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