Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Q&A with Little Miss A

On the eve of my almost 3 year old's special day, I asked her just  a few questions… the plan is to ask these questions for years to come to see how she changes over time…. and to see if her apparently unhealthy obsession with Magnaformers has ended! Read on to understand

(My peanut gallery comments are in parenthesis)

What is your favourite colour?
Yellow, Pink, Purple, and Red

What's your favourite Food?
Pasta (of the cheesy variety)

And what about snacks?
Bunny Rabbits Crackers
(like goldfish, only less sodium and organic)

What toy do you like most?

What's your most beloved Movie? 

Who is your Best friend? 
Samantha and Callie
(Friends from school)

What's your Favourite thing about Cassia? 
Playing with Magnaformers

What's your favourite thing about  mommy?

What's your favourite thing about Daddy? 

What book do you like best? 
(She loves flap-books)

What's your favourite fruit ?
Canteloupe (after careful consideration). and honeydew

What's your favourite TV show? 
The Wiggles

What's your favourite thing to wear? 
This here 
(She means dresses)

What do you want to be when you grow up? 
Pretty like Mommy and a Doctor like Daddy

What's your favourite drink?
Water. can I have some now?

Your best song is? 
Everything is Awesome and Honey I'm Good

And your favourite game?
I don't know
(I think she was done with me at this point)

What's your favourite animal?  
A Rooster

What do you want for your birthday? 
Pink Hearts, Yellow Hearts and Purple Hearts
(I've got nothing)

I can't believe my baby is going to be three!!!

Happy Tuesday!

Linking up with Beth and some other lovely ladies for Tuesday Talk

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  1. This is adorable. I love asking my students questions like this and then sharing their answers with their parents. A treasure to keep. Getting ready to do a similar post from my grandchildren. Thanks for making me smile today on Tuesday Talk.

  2. This is SO cute! I put a set of the Magnaformers on my daughter's birthday wish list (she'll be 2 on Sunday) and apparently that was a good choice on my part?! Happy birthday to your sweet little girl! :)

  3. Dying over some over her answers! But she did good with her "wanting to be pretty like mommy" answer!

  4. Sooooo CUTE! Lol loved the "pretty like Mommy & a doctor like Daddy"!

  5. Magnaformers are pretty much the coolest toy EVER!

    Random but those organic Annies crackers are made in Joplin!!! Well, at least some of them are. But the sad news is General Mills bought the plant and just announced they are shutting down the Joplin location. Told you that was gonna be random.

    Love that yellow is a favorite color. My Emily's favorites are orange and yellow.

  6. Oh my gosh, how precious! This made me laugh! I should ask my daughter these questions - what a fun idea! And we love the bunny crackers too (they are the best!). -Jess
    Sweet Little Ones


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