My second grader is studying reusing items in Social Studies and what we do as households to re-purpose and reuse items . So it got us thinking about our favourite (see what I did there?!) ways that we do our bit to reuse items.
These are all pretty simple. You're not going to find ways to change a lego into a keychain or kitchen utensils into hooks or anything. Here are a few of our easy to-dos.
1- I keep a big stash of reusable bags in the trunk of my car for grocery shopping. It helps that I'm 'thrifty' and in Canada a lot of stores charge 5c per plastic bag. In the event that I do get plastic bags, I use them as kitchen garbage bags.
2- I save the nicer glass jars from jams, jellies, yogurts and other condiments for when I make our freezer jam or homemade hot sauces. One run through the dishwasher and it's as good as new. I even used the yogurt containers with new lids as jelly bean party favours for C's eighth.
3- Speaking of containers, all those old perfectly good plastic takeout containers? I save them for giving others leftovers or if I'm taking just a bit of food for family/a friend. That way I'm not giving them a good container of mine that they then have to remember to give back to me!
4- Okay, this sounds weird and I'll own it. When I'm emptying the girls' or my water bottle to replace it with fresh water (bacteria be gone), I usually empty it into a plant instead of the sink.
These two close to the kitchen are the main recipients.
5- I love those BBW candles and the containers they come in are lovely for storage of beauty items. I freeze the empty jars and then just chip the candle away. One run through the dishwasher and it's as good as new.
6- Old towels make great floor rags!
7- My kiddos have lunchboxes that we use instead of ziplocs.
8- For parties, I keep the tassels and party decorations that are still usable and store them in my huge "party' container. I know they're cheap but it's about the wastage.
9- At Christmas time, we've wrapped a couple boxes (both top and bottom so they open) to use again and again and I save some of the boxes, fancy ribbon and bags to reuse.
10- Those older veggies that we don't want to eat raw anymore, like peppers, tomato and carrots, I put them in soups, beans and stews to add more flavour. A friend of mine also saves her peels to put into veggie stock.
What about you? Do you do any of these? Any repurposing tips/tricks to pass along?
Linking up with
and Amanda for Friday Favourites
Happy Weekending, lovelies!