Thursday, May 28, 2015

Simplicity or abundance lover… oh and life lately

When are you happiest? When you have lots or little? According to Gretchen Reuben (amazing podcasts) , some people thrive on simplicity. They love less: minimal objects, no clutter, not too many choices and require very few material objects to make them happy. Others, called abundance lovers adore overflow, lots of choices in their pantry and wardrobe, variety, collecting things and love full days and bustle.

Now I know D is a simplicity lover. He loves clean empty unadorned surfaces. Gift giving is last on his love languages and he doesn't care for variety too much. He loves downtime and weekends that aren't too busy. My six year old on the other hand: I can see that she is an abundance lover. She collects tchotchkes like it's her job and I can get stressed out by her very cluttered room with stuff strewn everywhere. The kid even collects rocks and seeds. And she loves full days, lots of friends and weekends that are packed. 

And then there's me. I think I fall somewhere in the middle. I loved clean and uncluttered surfaces but I also love some visual interest in a room. I don't like running out of stuff so I do have a full pantry/fridge but at the same time, I don't like wastage . I love choices in my closet as well (who doesn't) but it makes me very happy to have a purged closet!  I like having a few things to do on the weekend but at least one day or night when it's just me and my three. 

What about you? What do you thrive on?

And while we're at it, take a look at my abundance of everyday pictures all focusing on the simple things (hahaha)

Day #137
D's birthday celebration. You know kids are going to too many parties when at the end of his very simple celebration, they asked me if there were loot bags. 

Day #138
My parents were still here and we headed out (after a very heavy meal, thanks Dad) for some fro-yo
My six year old looks so grown up, no?

Board games on our day off

And a little dance party. A dances like no one's watching!

No pictures on Day 140 but on day #141 was D's actual birthday

Again, I might have lapsed on the pics but my mom sent this pic of her with my adorable nephew. This is the only shot I have of him not smiling. #grandmaisnothisfave #mykidsadoreher

Day #143
Teaching Bike riding. Stuff is getting so grown up in these parts.

Date night with my favourite!

Cooling off with some watermelon. 

Before D's third (and fourth) set of cakes. #popular

Raven was all about giving A snuggles but it looks like she's attacking her #besties

On the way home from school, she fell asleep. Nothing warms my heart more.

Happy Thursday. Don't fall asleep on yourself!

Linking up with:
Annie and Nat for Thoughts on Thursday.
and Extremely V and Penny for Thank Goodness It's Thursday

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  1. That last pic is my favorite! Aren't littles just beyond cute when they are sleeping? lol! Thanks for linking up today!

  2. Im with you Im in the middle, but I definitely go through phases of the extremes (deep clean EVERYTHING! Shopping spreeeee! Haha) Love the pictures!

  3. I love Gretchen Rueben too! I have read her books but haven't listened to her podcasts so thanks of mentioning that, I will check them out.

    I'm also in the middle. I hate clutter but I love choices LOL. I'm constantly purging and shopping at the same time lol.

  4. I don't know if I'm a lover of it or not, but I'm definitely an abundancer!

  5. They are growing up so quickly, choosing what to wear, learning bicycle riding, there own dance routine especially C, strong individual personalities , but still depending on parents and adults for everyday stuff
    The blue top and white pants looks gorgeous.

  6. I'd probably be in the middle! I hate stuff but I love lots of choices in clothes and food.

  7. So much cake! Exactly the way a birthday should be :) And I'm somewhere in the middle too. I love collecting stuff, and I also love purging stuff.

  8. I think I am in the middle too. I am just like you when it comes to liking choice but also appreciating a purge.
    So nice that the weather is warm again, eh?!

  9. I think I'm in the middle too. I like things neat and tidy but I have a hard time doing it. Great pics as usual.

  10. I just love your daily pictures. The photo of the girls with Dad is just so sweet. I also seriously need to know how he got 4 cakes!!! I never even get one :(.

    Definitely stuck in the middle too.


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