Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day weekend

This Mother's day weekend is brought to you by the letter F- filled with family, fun, friends, finger food and flowers.

On Friday night, we kicked off the weekend with Finger Food Friday- a concept I totally stole from my friend Jenn. The kids loved it. We had edamame beans, samosas, basil shrimp, parmesan bread and sweet potato puffs… an eclectic mix of stuff. I took pictures but accidentally deleted them from my phone apparently.

On Saturday morning, C and I headed to the pool for what turned out to be 5 minutes of water time followed by 30 minutes of lock down as the chlorine gauge was broken so they evacuated the parents but kept our kids inside. So weird. It was then  off to the farmer's market and the chocolate shop to pick up some Mother's Day goodies. Again no pictures as I left my phone at home.

We headed to my friend Kamini's party for her son's 6th birthday. My kids had the best time as it was such a lovely summer day!

A pirate magician!

Kamini had a dosa bar set up. She also had a Stella and Dot party for the moms where Darin got me a couple Mother's Day treats. :-)

The cake probably cost as much as my entire party for C earlier this year! 

So much fun

In the evening C and I headed out to the mall for a bit of shopping

C is the worst best browser--- she takes such a long time choosing stuff!

Mother's Day Morning with my crew opening some presents. 2 handmade presents from the girls and a pillow from D!

Then we headed off to brunch at the Mill, a fancy place in town. Think oysters, crab legs, lobster and champagne kinda fancy. Mama was happy!

Full plate ahead!

Our  four.

The restaurant had Cotton Candy for the kids. They were very impressed.

And popcorn for the walk after.

I try to take a pic for each Mother's Day with them.

And some candid shots.

In the evening, we headed to D's sweet cousin's place to see her brand new baby. We were there just last week to celebrate her birthday and 3 days later she got a late birthday present and an early Mother's Day present. Isn't life beautiful?! And a little crazy!?

So grateful for such a wonderful weekend with my family! And so, so happy that I'm a mama to two sweet, silly special girls!

Linking up on this fine day with:
Biana for weekending
 The Grateful Heart with Ember Grey


  1. Are you totally exhausted today?! ha! You had a jam-packed weekend!! So fun!

  2. You're daughters are adorable and I love the faces in pictures, too cute! I'm glad you had such a great Mother's Day!

  3. I love the family photo of you guys - so beautiful! Glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. Beautiful Mommy and girl's Happy belated Mother's day!

  5. Looks like a wonderful time!!! And a restaurant with cotton candy for the girls!? How cool!!

  6. That sounds like a perfect mother's day weekend. I love the idea of finger food Friday! It sounds like so much fun. Have a great week.

  7. Don't you just love daughters! My three are always surprising me even though they are grown now. Looks like you had a wonderful day. Linking up from ember grey's grateful heart.

  8. Your mother's day sounds fabulous! The brunch sounds like a nice treat and fun way to spend it with your family.

  9. What a fun weekend! I'm glad you had a happy mother's day!

  10. Looks like a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! And finger food Friday? That sounds like a fabulous idea :-D

  11. What a wonderful weekend!! It looks like it was filled with happiness and smiles :) And what a cool cake...!

  12. Your weekend looked like a blast!! What are Samosas? That party seemed like a hit both for kids and moms with the Stella and Dot!
    And your girls are darling-

  13. Happy Mother's Day to you, sounds like you had a wonderful weekend!!

  14. What a fantastic Mothers Day weekend! I Love it all. The picture of you and the girls is perfect too!

  15. Sounds like a wonderful Mother's Day! And the birthday parties you post are always so impressive. A magician, and that cake - so fun! Glad you had a great weekend, and love that pic of the girls with the cotton candy :)


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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