Happy Monday, everyone! Hope everyone is all recovered from the weekend. Ours was filled with family summer fun.
We started early on Friday with Jahna's first birthday party. I met Jahna's mom, Suhki at the park close to our house. She also has two girls, ages 3.5 and 1 and our kids get along really well! We met each other for a standing playdate every Wednesday where we drink chai (she taught me how to make it authentically, recipe coming soon), the kids play and the mamas chat.
The first part of the party was in the Waterloo Region Museum and Doon Heritage Village. How have I lived in the region and not been here, is beyond me but it was lots of fun. We first had lunch and some playtime in the museum.
Suhki is a teacher and a great organiser- I'm always stealing her ideas for toys and activities to do with my kids. And in this case, her pics from FB of the party :-)
Yes, my kids are matching. I'm that mom
The weather was amazing so we headed out for a walk through the Doon Heritage Village, a huge living history village illustrating what life was like in the early 1900's. Lots of buildings, farm animals and staff dressed in the garb of that time... it was very educational but very cool. (Trust a teacher to throw learning in there!)
The kiddies who came... except for the birthday girl, who was taking a little nap.

After that, we headed back to their home for dinner and cake.
Seriously, is this cake insane or what? I don't think my wedding cake was as fancy. It was also delicious!
A picture of the birthday girl and her first bite of cake with her family.
On Saturday, it was just a mishmash of stuff. A's first swimming lesson, World cup matches, dinner out, park time and soccer where C scored her first goal!!!

On Sunday, another beautiful day we headed to Ajax to meet with our friends, Sean and Amra , together with their kids Arisa and Aaron! We went to their local park for a picnic.

Some 'soccer'

A little chilling out.

We squeezed a little nap in

Got some water fun in.

And then headed back to their house for a movie and some down time.

Linking up today with Biana for Weekending,
Lisa and Bella for Weekend Recap,
Molly for Let it Shine
and also with Join the Gossip.

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