Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Show & Tell- Most Favourite Posts

Happy Tuesday! Here are just a few of the posts that have been most popular around these parts

You guys sure like house posts! My Come On In post showcasing our new home and our changes so far was my most popular one this year so far.

And this one showing the new house when we first got it too. 

Beauty Tips always seem to be a favourite around here too.

And my hair post

 I love me some blogger buying blame and so do you all

Everyone loves Christmas decor!

Parties are a favourite of mine-- and you guys seem to love them too. Cassia's Carnival was the most popular  party post to date!

And who doesn't love a easy and yummy recipe?! This lady bug caprese bites post is my number one clicked on and pinned post to date!

linking up with 
Andrea for Show & Tell Tuesday


  1. I love house and Christmas posts. :)

  2. I adore getting peeks into your home. It is gorgeous!

  3. I adore getting peeks into your home. It is gorgeous!

  4. I still can't get over your house lol. It's like somewhere we'd vacation.

  5. So much goodness and I missed the post on your new house. It's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!

  6. I remember and love all these posts. Those ladybug caprese bites are adorable!

  7. Loved the post on your new house and of course all the beauty ones! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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