Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Favourites- this and that

 ... and it's Friday!!! Let's get this party started! I've had some awful neck pain this week (so much so I was having trouble turning my neck from side to side)  but between some meds, a tens machine and a massage, it's a little better! Hopefully, it will not impede the weekend. 

Hunter Boots Cleaner

Like so much of the bloggersphere, last year I got my very first pair of Hunters... a plum coloured pair.... I love them so much and wore them through fall and winter... However, I got the white residue on them that happens with real rubber... I bought this cleaner online from Hunter and let me tell you, it has been awesome... My boots look almost new, no?

Check the before and after

Who knows what a puffball is?

No you don't need to check Urban Dictionary for a meaning, it's basically a huge mushroom. I bought just a slice  at the farmers market this week. THe farmers were all going crazy over it so I'm all like, yeah I'll buy a slice for $5 a pop... #imsuchasucker. But honestly, the flavour and texture were so amazing. Especially if you like the taste of mushrooms.


And cooked...

picture vs no picture?

So, I've changed the look of my blog a bit but I'm yet to receive the heading from the design provider. I don't have photoshop so I couldn't do it myself. In the interim, I've made my own header(picmonkey rocks!) still including my kids' pics. What do you think? What's better, kids or no kids in the header? 


I am not having as many PSLs as I had last year... Reason being is this article that's been circulating.  I've caved and bought a couple times but I need to try the recipe for a homemade version! 

Little Reader

Guess who has started reading chapter books in school?  My five year old sweetie. I'm so proud but though I'd like to take some of the credit, this book is a huge helper... We literally follow it step by step. It even had talking points for the parents to tell you exactly how to simple explain concepts to your kid and it does it word for word. 

No-Spend September for the win!

So I can go ahead and declare I've won the war against  no-spend September. I did not spent any money on myself or my peeps or my crib for the entire month of September. However, I'm glad this month is coming to an end soon. Cass needs a new winter jacket and I need to start scouring for sales! Zulily is calling me!

Happy Happy Weekending, friends! We have bowling, apple picking and a possible pumpkin patch in the works! 

Linking up with 
Andrea for Friday Favourites
Jenny for Friday Favourites
Amy for Hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favourites

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  1. Ok so I love the boots! I just don't know if they would keep my toes warm enough during our central Virginia winters. Secondly I love the pictures of your I don't personally mind seeing them in your header. Finally I've been very inspired by your no spend September that I'm choosing to take the idea and do an Opt Out October where it's not unnecessary spending. I'm working on my guidelines.

  2. I'm intrigued by this puffball. I might have to track one down.

  3. I totally need to clean my hunter boots too...thanks for the tip!

  4. I STILL love those boots!!!!! Happy weekend!

  5. Hi! I am stopping by from the link up! I haven't bought a pair of Hunter boots yet. I think it is going to have to happen SOON! Deciding on a color is the most stressful part! HA! I love the pictures in your header - I vote keep them! Happy Friday!

  6. Hi there, stopping by from the link-up!

    Those boots are so cute, and the cleaner really did make them look new again!

    I think the pics of your girls in the header are great, they are so precious!

    That mushroom looks intriguing!

    Have a great weekend!

  7. I've never heard or seen a puffball. Might have to look into it. I love the header just the way it is!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier, I wanted to come over here and see yours...your girls are adorable! I am also a huge PSL fan but have been experimenting with making my own. If you need another recipe to make, this is the one I did last was great!

  9. Thanks for stopping by my Friday Favorites post! I absolutely love the color of your Hunter Boots...I really need to add a pair of these boots to my fall wardrobe!

  10. Those puffballs were a first for me too. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I like the pictures in the header - so much cuteness!

    I'm a huge fan of Food Babe. She's the reason I only buy ezekiel bread now (but I still eat other bread if we go out, I don't have it in me to get too fanatical). I love that she makes all this stuff viral, and then the companies actually change the ingredients they use.

    Good job on no spend September! I should really implement something like that for myself...

  12. Those boots look fantastic - good job girl! And they are such a great color! Hope you have a great weekend - xoxo!

  13. Congrats on no spending - that's awesome! Not sure I could do that for a whole month!

    And the pics in the header are so cute. Your girls are little dolls :)

    Have a great weekend!
    Katie @ Sweet Little Ones

  14. hmmm this puffball has me very curious.... p.s. your girls are cuties ;) Have a great weekend!

  15. Ok I must but some Hunter boots ASAP!!!

  16. Your boots look so rejuvenated!
    "Zulily is calling me" haha.
    Hope you've had a great weekend :)

  17. Good job on no spending September, lucky D, more money for vacation


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