Wednesday, January 31, 2018

A Little Life Lately

Here's what''s going on with us on these wintry days... apparently, a whole lot of eating is involved!

We go to the library while C is in swimming as it's too cold to run the errands we did before. This little one will read for a very limited amount of time before she begins something else.

These are all virgin daiquiris! Our niece and her friend came over last weekend for dinner. 

The kids had a PD Day and a whole lot of nothing was involved.

When you don't give your kid much sugar and she gets a treat

Dinner on Sunday. Sweet and sour cauliflower and spring rolls. 

These two are the comics in the house. 

 These meatballs I was making for dinner are so awesome... and apparently pretty to prep.

A first time dutch braid for this wiggly girl.

One of my favourite people treated me to a birthday lunch. We split goat cheese pesto and a smoked salmon salad. #soooooogoood

And that's a little life lately for ya'.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Those meatballs look amazing! You need to share that recipe! And your birthday lunch looked amazing! Pesto goat cheese? Yes please!

  2. The meatball prep does look pretty! And the girls drinking daiquiris look so cute!

  3. It looks like life has been good to you this month!!! Love the pictures!

  4. Your two comics look a whole lot like our two comics. That dutch braid turned out SO good! I wish I could do stuff like that. Marissa keeps her hair so short and Emily's hair is far too curly.

  5. LOL at the comics of the house! And I need to make those meatballs - YUM <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. Those meatballs look so good!! Loving all the time at home you guys are spending!

  7. You always have the best food pictures and ideas and I'm always hungry after reading your posts.

  8. Share the recipe, share the recipe...those meatballs look scrumptious. Love the photo from the library. Yay for you to take those babies to the library (says the former librarian). Maybe your little one just hasn't found the right books to blow her away yet. I think love of reading is an acquired taste.

  9. The girls' cozy time on PD day is so cute and something I wish I could do tomorrow! Ha! Love the two comics of the family. Such a cute photo! Goat cheese pesto and smoked salmon salad sound amazing for a lunch date! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  10. Now I want to make meatballs. The ones you made look delicious!


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