Friday, January 5, 2018

Bringing in 2018!!

After a week filled with family fun, lounging around in our sweats, reading a whole lot of non productive missive (me, not the fam), entertaining lots, being entertained, and having way too much sugar and carbs, we brought in 2018. This NYE saw us in TO, at our friends' John and Petal's house, bringing in the New Year with exquisite food, way too fancy wine for my unrefined palate and lots of family friendly fun. Here are just a few photos of our shenanigans. 

On the 30th, my four went out for some sushi and we went through our gratitude jar to celebrate 2017. 

Sushi is a favourite with us four.

In Toronto....

The Master Chef with course #1.

The sous chef----I use the term sous chef as liberally as one can.

We opened some presents in between

The kids also got fed in between.

Second course- mushroom risotto.

And some more selfies #justbecause

And course #3.

At this point, a five year old developed a fever and asked to be put to bed #neverhappenedbefore. 

And a chocolate truffle cake had to factor into the mix as well.

Just chilling!

Someone woke up but went right back to bed!

Getting ready for the par-tay.... or the surprise party as my five year old called it.

And then it was 2018!!!!! No pictures at the very moment but a couple hours later the party was still going!!

Happy New Year, y'all! Did yours entail a sick kid as well. Spoiler alert- she was all well the day after but cannot forget the night before and tells all about it?

Linking up with 
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday


  1. Happy New Year babe, its going to be a GREAT one with your precious family!! xo

  2. Happy New Year, Sarita!! Looks like bringing it in with those dearest to you was such a great time! Wishing you a beautiful fresh new year ahead! xo - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

  3. Happy 2018! Looks like you kicked off the best way! xo

  4. Happy 2018! Your food pictures always look the best! And that picture of you and your sick kiddo is sure a cute one!

  5. I love that you have a gratitude jar! That picture of you and your husband with the champagne flutes looks like it should be in a magazine. It looks like a great time celebrating. Sierra~Beautifully Candid

  6. you always make me hungry- seriously awesome parties!

  7. What an amazing way to start the New Year. So many happy smiles. I have SERIOUS kitchen envy too. Their kitchen it GORGEOUS. But I have found myself staring at and ogling over kitchens lately :P.

  8. I love that your girls love sushi! SO cute! And love all your black and gold favors for bringing in the new year. Cheers to a great 2018!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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