Thursday, August 21, 2014

What's in a name? A blog name, of course.

*Updated on 03/12/15 to join Kiki at in its time for Blog name stories


I got this topic idea from my girl, Amanda from Kids and Cabernet a couple weeks ago. I decided it would be a great one to schedule while I was away. Like Amanda, I had a whole list of blogs that I used to read before I finally decided to bite the bullet and do it myself. (Read about my initial rationale for starting a blog here.) 

Truth be told, I had a different blog name before, it was 'the****girls' with the **** being their last name. But then, we decided to anonymize it a bit so I changed it.... Having two daughters and wanting to instill in them the belief that the world is theirs for the taking (and as a firm believer myself in the strength and power of girls and women,) I named my blog 'it's a girl's world.' I couldn't get the actual name of my blog  on Blogger so after many different variations, I settled on 'itsagirlgirlworld'... a play off the Emilia song 'i'm a big, big girl in a big, big world.'

I started this blog to document the lives of our girls but it's become so much more than that. Sure I share many snippets of our life, but I also share my philosophies, tips and tricks, recipes and all sorts of other stuff. My blogging friends have become a part of my life as well and I love hearing all the sweet comments from everyone. 

Why did you choose your blog name? I'd love to hear from you. 

Linking up with Annie and Nat.

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  1. I started mine for the same reason but now love what it has become. It's such a great outlet.

  2. I really like your blog name and I love that it's about empowering young girls because I want that for my daughter as well. I think we all start for specific reasons and then it branches out.

  3. Love the story behind your blog name! I just made mine up because it sounded cute. A couple of people have asked me if it's a take on "keeping up with the Kardashians" and that's a big no!

  4. Your girls are so lucky to have a mom so interested in guiding their way! It's the perfect name for your blog!

  5. I love that your blog has evolved over time but is still rooted in your family and daughters and your passion to empower your daughters and other women as well. :) So many great stories behind one blog name!

    Thanks for sharing and for linking up, too!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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