Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Currently... in June (and some goals)

 Yep, the month of June is here! Let's take a look at May's goals and what we did.
-Get some glasses for a little girl -sigh! I knew it was coming as D and I are near sighted (we both had surgery) but I still can't help feel a little sad.
- Read about the weather. I bought A this book on weather and I intend for us to read it with the kids-- some of it is a little advanced for a four year old but we'll try.
(We started but somehow lost steam- there is always next month)
- When it's nice out and we don't have extra curricular- we will be outside for a bit- even if Mama has lots to do inside!
- Start soccer drills and technique with C(well kind of)
- Celebrate D's birthday first with an intimate dinner with another family-- I get the ingredients and our friend is cooking- and then with a food truck inspired Victoria Day party. Lots of grocery shopping and prep. 
Done and done. See here for the Food Truck Eats Party


- Finish spring cleaning the girls' closet. I started last month and need to finish this one up. so.much.stuff to pack away, bring out from storage and purge.
- Once that's done, complete my closet. D did his a couple months ago and his is putting mine to shame. 
- Open and clean the pool ( before the party hopefully!)
- Open the sprinkler system. 
 - Get some lighting done! We're talking pennants, sconces and chandeliers--- the stuff that my dreams are made off!
(In progress, like 40% done)  

A sneak peek

- Work out at least 5 times a week even if somedays it's a small workout
(so, so close. I missed one workout)
- Order and do a three day Shakeology cleanse 

And just a few goals for June as there's lots going on:

- Start soccer drills for C and swimming for both kids
- Decide if we are doing one more camp for each kid
- Get end of year teacher gifts in order
- Spend lots of time outdoors
- Continue reading with A
- Work on our summer bucket list

- Bathroom cabinets here we come!! (not an easy undertaking for sure)
- Finish our home lighting project
- Family coat closet! 

- Work out at least 17 times this month. 
- Eat clean-- except for events. Then we splurge.
- Try not to splurge too much at events lol. 
- Lose two pounds (slow and steady wins the race, right?!)
- Pack and re-pack for all the stuff going on in June

And a look at
with Anne and  Erin....

for the hectic month ahead. Two weddings (BOTH out of town), my in laws visiting next week, a road trip and the end of the school year. It's a busy one that's for sure! 

that Mother Nature decides that sun is in order soon and that this summer will be an active, healthy, fun one for us all.

that the days are long but the years are short. Mamas, snuggle those babies and enjoy it. In due course, they'll be learning the meaning of onomatopoeia and using it correctly too! 

Also, in enjoying life, something will always have to give AND THAT's OKAY. Be it fitness, the house, something with the kids, work etc-- there's no one who can have it all!

Fancy earrings for an outdoor wedding in June. A friend told me that  J. Crew has great fancy costume jewelry and she's so right. Their stuff is on point!

To weddings, parties, road trips, NYC, Vermont and on a Disney Cruise! This summer will be a packed one.

Have an awesome day!


  1. You DO have a busy month ahead, haha! But all fun stuff it sounds like. And a Disney cruise sounds so awesome!! We love Disney and I've been to DW a few times but a cruise has always been on my list. PS- Your blog is so pretty!

  2. I think 2 pounds is a good goal for the month! Good luck and have fun with all your events!

  3. You guys have been getting such weird weather! I would happily trade you some clouds and rain!

  4. Wow, does your summer ever sound AMAZING!!! A Disney cruise....YES!!

  5. I am swooning over the light!!! I want something similar but a little smaller to go over my island and sink.

  6. LOVE the new lighting! SO many fun trips planned, you guys are going to have an amazing summer <3
    Green Fashionista

  7. Wow, lots of trips planned! I did a Disney Cruise with my parents when I was young and it was so much fun!
    The Beth Next Door

  8. You have so many fun things lined up for the upcoming months!! You can also look at Bauble Bar for fancy earrings.

  9. Summer just flies, doesn't it? And yes, I love J.Crew jewelry!

  10. Sounds like you are going to be a busy lady! Summer will fly by....enjoy every second!


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