Thursday, February 12, 2015

On the potty train

Yes folks, these past few days have been spent on the potty… literally. We planned to do it on Saturday and Sunday so we made absolutely no weekend plans. However, on Friday morning en route to school, C complained of an upset tummy. I took this as a sign that A should stay home as well and we would do the whole three day potty training-- and boy oh boy, starting the training on Friday was the best decision ever made. 'Cause people, on Friday I thought that I was about to lose my mind. 

Personality type A that I was, I got a couple books on potty training from the library, got the training panties and read up my stuff. From Friday morning, lots of juice packs were given. I mean my cupboard is empty. 

And there were 3 pees one after the other. But not on the potty. I would put her to sit every fifteen minutes and she would just sit there. Nothing. Then we'd have accidents. Once, she sat down on the potty, got up and proceeded to pee standing up less than a foot away from it. And then we had enough. Maybe it was a bit of tough love/baby torture but Cassia and I sat with her for almost an hour next to the potty. We watched tv (yeah the potty's in our family room momentarily, deal), used the iPad, read books.

and like many stickers
and then she got it, and there was success. And there was a huge celebration. and some candy bribery. 

This was an exchange with my friend, Jenn. 

And another one 
Can you sense my frustration?

But that day was tough and we probably got less than 50% success rate. We went out that night with friends to Chucky Cheese and I put a pull-up on her. She just wasn't ready. The thing is though, the pull up was so soaked after a while because of all the juice, it was pulling down the pants with its weight! Think plumber's smile. 

The next day  started the proceedings but what he didn't realise it that you couldn't take your eyes away from her. No TV, no computer, no napping, you basically had to make her sit down, pull out your party tricks and then she eventually would go. So there were a couple morning accidents but we stuck to it. We used the iPad, played with her babies and did fancy hairstyles. All on the potty but for much shorted periods. By evening, the successes far out weighed the accidents. By Saturday night, she got it. So much so she ran downstairs and tried to go herself. Spillage but still a success still in my books. 

On Sunday, she got it! It was almost like a switch turned on. Though I still timed it, I didn't have to make her sit for hours on end. She virtually had one accident.

So here we are almost a week in, and we are doing well. Today for the first time, she has no accidents and school. Next stop, the toilet!

And another text exchange. I've become way less cranky!

So there you have it, pull ups still being used at night and maybe if we go out for a bit, but we are so proud of our little lady and her big milestone!

I'm absolutely no potty training expert but here are a few tips I found worked well for me.

+Plan nothing for the couple days you're committing to this. We did manage however

+Summer, when I trained C was way easier as I just put her in dresses. For boys or at winter time, pants that are easily taken off is key. Leggings or easy pants are our friends, my friend.

+ Lots of juice on the first day and then time it, every twenty worked  for us. Eventually, it progressed to thirty and now even more.

+Get a dollar store egg timer or use your phone to time the potty usage as you might forget from time to time.

+ Be patient. Your house will be a total mess for the couple days, you won't be blogging or not too many projects but it's temporal so deal. Your sanity will be restored soon, I promise.

+The potty in a more prominent location around everyone made more sense for us as she didn't feel she was missing out on the action and the four of us didn't have to crowd into our tiny powder room. 

What about you? What are your best potty training tips?

Linking with with Annie and Nat for Thoughts on Thursday.

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  1. I really hope we have success when we try again. ..

  2. Yay!!! Oh man that first text thread made me lol. Glad that she has caught on and things seem to be going better now!

  3. Well done! I will share my potty training experience one day in a post. Although we are there now (even at night), it took several months (yes, several months). Good work mama!

  4. Ahhhhhhh....soooooo relateable!!! We had a HORRIBLE time with our oldest. Our second...she was determined to do it on her own...probably 6-8 months before her older sister's timeframe. The baby? Pottying at 20 months. Crazy. I hope it gets better!! xoxo

  5. I just tried cauli "rice" too!! Stay tuned, next week I'm posting a recipe for cauliflower fried "rice" - soooo good!!! And of course, your girls are SO CUTE!

  6. Yay! I wish we had waited closer to 2 and half with Kennedy to start but she is doing pretty good. We are doing great with peeing in the potty but still refuses to go poop so we are still sending her in pull ups to school.

  7. That's great news! I know it's such a stressful phase and every little win is a win! Yay :)


  8. Potty training is crazy frustrating but when they finally get it, it's sooo worth it!

  9. Oh man... potty training. I have started putting Annabelle on the potty occasionally during the day (nothing to major yet). After she turns two maybe I'll be a bit more hard core. Like you said, I'll have to devote a weekend to it. I'm already dreading it (but remind myself the perk is no more diapers)!

  10. Yay A!!! I'm so not looking forward to potty training, but 3 days sounds doable.


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