Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday Favourites--- December Baby!

Happy First Friday in December, folks. I usually have a holiday party on either the first or second Friday in December but not this year!!! So instead, we'll focus on the family fun!

1- We joined my American first for a Zoom call and then in solidarity had our own Thanksgiving lite. My family loves my turkey! It's the dry brine and all the butter I bath the bird in. 

Then part two with the leftovers.... We always serve our first set of leftovers on our fancy table all setup.... it prolongs the celebration and we need that sort of positivity in 2020.

2- Then onto December and our North Pole Breakfast!! Patraj and Noelle are back with their usual mediocre antics (they aren't as crazy as some of the other insta-elves that I see.... though, with a new non-believer in the duo, I'm getting some help there. 

Once again, it being 2020, our North Pole breakfast consisted of way more sugar than usual. (we saved quite a bit) 

3- And then to add to the awesomeness December 1st was a snow day!! It was so beautiful!

4- We also did some ugly sweater cookie decorating-- Costco for the win!! 

Someone's cookies aren't a hot mess this year!

5- And finally, someone is really into her selfies these days.. Here's just one from the dozens on my phone.

Linking up with Andrea. 


  1. So much fun! You're lucky you get to have two Thanksgivings, lol!

  2. I love all that cozy holiday family fun! I'm happy for those simple things too.

  3. Your thanksgiving looked amazing! I miss the elf magic just a bit at my house!

  4. Everything looks so tasty! I love that you joined in on zoom. Look at that snow! Enjoy the weekend.

  5. Sounds like so much and and everything looks delicious.

  6. Yay for the return of the Elf and the North Pole Breakfast! And now I need to try using butter on my turkey, I always use oil. But butter sounds AMAZING! Happy Friday <3

    Green Fashionista

  7. My family loves turkey too and we often make it a few times throughout the year. Your food all looks delicious and I just love those decorated cookies.


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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