Monday, March 20, 2017

NYC Trip- A blizzard, a brother and more.

Happy first day of Spring. Winter is going out like a lion this time around!

We are back from our NYC trip. This one did not go as planned but it was so special. First off my brother and my nephew from Trinidad- the one who likes me to call him 'sugar plum'- decided to surprise us with a visit. And then Mother Nature decided that it was the perfect time for a blizzard. So scratch our carefully laid plans to go shopping and head to the American Girl store in the city but a good time ensued nonetheless. 

We flew out of Buffalo this time around and headed to Target first off because #priorities

Our flight was delayed so we hit up a little PF Changs before heading to the airport for a little warmth on a ridiculously cold day.
 The girls were wonderful on the flight-- remember they're used to long 5 hour flights so an hour was nothing.

We were so surprised to see my brother and my nephew. We meaning me. A was half asleep and C was oblivious. C said that I acted like a saw a celebrity.

The next morning we headed to breakfast and my other brother and other nephew, my sweet Dhilan joined us. 

I always forget how large American diner portions are. We could have gotten away with ordering 2/3 of the food. 

We had lots of sleepovers, family visits , ice cream (my mom bought no less than 5 different types) and freshly made bread.

Ice cream on blizzard day no less.


My cousin and C did tie dye for all the kids and here they are sporting their spoils.

Ice covered the snow but we headed out anyways to have a snow ice ball fight.

We headed out after to the mall and build a bear to cure our cabin fever and to purchase a few unnecessary items

A couple aunts and cousins came to visit us the night before we left. We enjoyed takeout, adult beverages and conversations that only family can have. I went to bed at 5 am. 
(A took this wonderful shot).

My kids did not have their fruit and veggie intake for the week so smoothies for lunch.

Oh and this was my car when I came back to Buffalo.

Back to school tomorrow. Mama got an awful flu from her sugar plum nephew and a bad neck pain-- not from her nephew but what a wonderful time we had. 

Linking up with Biana for weekending.


  1. Well even if the trip was full of the unexpected, it still looks like you had a pretty great time. I love that they took a photo of your face when he surprised you. So fun!

  2. That is so great that your brother surprised you!

  3. That's so much fun, love family time!

  4. Such fun family time despite the weather getting in the way of your plans! You're right, American portions can be ridiculously too big! Target is always a priority lol

  5. Looks like a fun trip, and how sweet was the surprise of your brother and nephew! So sorry that you came home to your car like that and a bad flu. Hope everything's ok with the car, and you're feeling better *hugs* <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. What a wonderful surprise !! Sorry you guys have all the snow :(

  7. Oh no... not the flu! How fun that your brother and nephew surprised you with a visit though. And as far as the snow goes, I'm hoping we don't see it again until December.

  8. You guys sure made the most of that wintry weather. I was born in a snow storm in Buffalo on Easter Sunday. I know how snowy Buffalo gets. Love that you stayed up until 5:00 visiting with family. Nothing better.

  9. What a lovely unexpected surprise to see your brother and nephew. You guys are my role models for being so spread out but still taking the time to travel and visit multiple times a year. I don't see my sisters nearly enough.


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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