Friday, March 3, 2017

Friday Five

This week just flew by. Between work, kiddos, doctor's visits, a suspected (but not) case of pink eye and an awful dry cough, I'm looking forward to a strong cough suppressant and some time with my family and friends! 

Here are my smiles from this week.
1- When I was working on Sunday, D took the girls for a long walk. A in her funny snowsuit was quite the showstopper and made us all giggle.

2- Monopoly has been a favourite around here these days.... although the seven year old has some questionable die rolling techniques ;-s

3- A really wanted to eat with chopsticks and did a great job-- only thing is that girlfriend didn't break them apart. 
FYI, seaweed salad on a four year old's little lap in the gymnastics waiting room, not the smartest idea I've ever had.

4- I had been craving this risotto for weeks now so we finally made it for some of our friends last weekend. Shrimp, scallops and calamari? Yes, please!

5- I'm narrowing down some choices for a cousin's wedding and I've ordered these two so far. Though I'm leaning towards #2, I have a feeling that #1 will suit my body type better and want to try them both on before I made a final choice. Thoughts?

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!

Linking up with 
Amy for Hey Friday
  and Amanda for Friday Favourites


  1. Happy Friday, Sarita! So glad that the suspected pink eye turned out not to be pink eye, but sorry you're dealing with a dry cough. Hope you feel much better soon! Your girls are too adorable (as always)! I don't think you could possibly go wrong with either of those dresses - so lovely! Have a wonderful weekend ahead, girl! xo - Brenda //

  2. I'm impressed she'll eat seaweed salad! Also- loving that second dress. Have a great weekend.

  3. Both of those dresses are nice, but I think I like the first one better. Maybe you could do both - switch halfway through! Haha!

  4. Happy Friday! At least she attempted chop sticks...and is eating a seaweed salad. That risotto looks so good! Both of those dresses are so pretty. That's a tough decision. Beautifully Candid

  5. Hope everyone feels better for the weekend!! Seaweed salad - a girl after my own heart and I need that recipe for the shrimp risotto - YUM! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I have seen that number 2 floral dress before I absolutely love it. The colors for the beautiful on you! Look at baby girl and her chopsticks, so cute! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  7. That second dress looks fun, but I think either will look great on you. And look at her work those chopsticks... better than I can. :)

  8. That risotto looks so good! I really love #2!

  9. Hands down - both dresses! Do a bridal switch wear one to the ceremony and one to the reception! LOL No really, I love them both! Your girls are so precious. My kiddos love some chopsticks. Luckily, the restaurant in town has the "cheater" ones where you don't have to do much work to manipulate them! Happy Weekend!!!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. That second dress is so swoon worthy! My near 4yo tried chopsticks a few weeks ago. She did well too! I was shocked for it being her first time :)

  12. I'm so impressed your 4 year old eats a seaweed salad!! And love those dresses, very fancy! You will look great in either but I'm more drawn to #2. I love a good risotto!

  13. How fun that you've been playing Monopoly as a family! I can't wait until our son is old enough to play games with us! <3

  14. Those dresses are AMAZING! Both will look fantastic on you but I would also lean towards #2 too. Your 4 year old is eating sea weed salad?! Teach me your ways.

  15. I really love both of the dresses. The second one just seems to scream spring!

    Oh gosh, I'm so bad with chopsticks. I'm pretty sure I hold them wrong but if I can pick something up, then I'm good.


  16. Your eldest is quite the model! Love her poses. And you baby girl is adorable in that snowsuit. My mom tells as story about a two-year-old me in a snowsuit and how I wouldn't stand up or walk while we were out shopping one day. She says she dragged me on the floor from one end of Filene's Basement to the other. My snowsuit was filthy afterward.

  17. The floral dress is so beautiful! Where is it from?


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