Monday, February 6, 2017

Weekending- the first one in February

Happy Monday! Is it just me, or should this weekend have been two hours longer? Just  enough for me to get two more hours of sleep?! 

Here's the Cole's notes:

On Friday:
- we chilled out at home and had turkey burgers
- tried a black bean brownie recipe 
- did some Just Dance with the kiddos
- I caught up on Grey's and Scandal.

I can't get over how big my four year old is... my heart breaks a little.

On Saturday:
- C had skiing lessons in the am
- I babysat for my friend Dani who has three kids, three and under, is moving to the US, has a newborn AND is starting a new business (I'm tired even writing all those things)
- I did about 7 loads of laundry-- yay me
- I made muffins for the kids with my little helper and butter chicken and rice for Dani and another friend
- we headed out in the night with some friends to Toronto for some Winterlicious dinner, drinks at a whiskey bar and a night cap at an Irish pub

At the whiskey lounge. Not ours but so pretty, I had to take a pic.

On Sunday:
- I woke up at 10:30 and totally lounged around ALL day doing little household chores, watching He's Just Not That Into You and spending time with my kids.
- we made BOTH kids nap as we were heading to....
- our friends' Alex and Jenn's Superbowl Soiree where they go all out-- think friendly bets, kids' fun and tons of amazing food. A mix of healthy and junkie! Think cauliflower bites, turkey chili, vegan nachos, wings, chicken and waffles, potato chip chicken fingers, chips and dip and so much more!

And just like that it turned into Monday again. I'm hoping for a snow day this week!
Linking up with sweet Biana today.


  1. Sounds like a great weekend lady! I am with you on the broken heart. Emily turns 6 in just a few weeks. SIX!!!! How is that even possible.

  2. What a wonderful evening out you all had!! Looks like fun! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Your Saturday night sounds like a blast! And can we talk about those chicken and waffle bits for a minute? OMG I want those right now! <3, Pamela Sequins & Sea Breezes

  4. You look pretty out on Saturday night. Turkey burgers and black bean brownies... right up my alley and look at that Super Bowl spread! Yum! Hope your Monday is off to great start!

  5. What a fun weekend! What a great evening out with friends, so fun. And your friend makes me tired with everything she were the black bean brownies?

  6. I haven't played Just Dance in ages!

  7. Loving the chicken and waffles! Such a cute idea. We both have 4 year olds. This independent stage breaks my heart a little too my friend. Saturday night looked like so much fun. You are just so pretty. Glad y'all had a good weekend!!

  8. You did have a busy and fun-filled weekend! Super mom for babysitting all the kids but sounds like you got to enjoy on Saturday night with the adults and even more on Sunday for the super bowl. I can see why you need those two more hours! Rest up this week pretty lady!

  9. So much fun and fantastic food! Hope your girls get that snow day you're rooting for this week! ;)
    xo - Brenda //

  10. Did you like the black bean brownies? I made a recipe with those awhile back and I was not impressed. I hope your is turned out better.

  11. Skiing lessons - how fun! And I definitely vote for the extra 2 hours every weekend :-D
    Green Fashionista


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