Friday, September 25, 2015

Friday Favourites

Hurray for Friday!! Definitely a favourite around here. I asked C what her fave day was and she did say Friday as it was Family Movie  Night! Can't say I blame her. 
And here are my favourites this week.

1- Zoodles

We're all about the zoodles around here. The light way to get your veggies in and eat your pasta. This veggetti makes easy work out of it. I made some Asian inspired chicken peanut zoodles recently and it was so, so yum! Recipe coming soon.

2- Popcorn and Tires-- together

My not so favourite part of this week was when I banged my tires and had to get them replaced fixed. Such an awful experience but the customer service at Kal Tires was exceptional and they had popcorn and coffee. I was stuffing my face at 10:30 am!

3- Pantry love

Organised pantry = happy lady! Took me quite some time but I finally made some progress on my overstuffed, disorganised pantry. I would have done a before but we would not be friends anymore if you saw it. Yeah, I wish I had all matching containers and chalkboard labels but this is still much better than it was last week! So yeah, a huge favourite. Now to bring the label maker out!

4- Settling in

After a challenging couple weeks, my six year old is settling in to her new school. Lots of newness, strange people and a huge school did not a happy camper make initially. Now, she comes home with happy stories and talks about her friends and what they do! And I begin volunteering next week at her school. So very happy that I'm able to do that. Lots of changes!!

5- Girl Power

And because it's a girls' world is all about the girls,  a few quotes in case my girls come back to read this blog when they grow older!

And here are my other posts this week:

Linking up with AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday
Amy for Hey Friday
Amanda for Friday Favourites

Have an amazing weekend! 

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  1. I swear the vegetti is like the greatest invention ever. We love ours!

  2. Great quotes! I was due for a little inspiration.

  3. I seriously need to get my pantry in order as well. It's a disaster. I may use this post as inspiration to get moving on that! :)

  4. I'm all about trying new recipes. Looks good!
    How cute = popcorn and coffee! ha! Nice!! Did they offer a movie too? ;)
    Happy your girls are doing well. I bet you will enjoy helping out at her school. That's really cool. Great quotes too. :) Happy Friday!! Have a great wknd.

  5. Oh those girl quotes made me happy.

    I feel the pantry battle all the time too. Mine usually gets organized every other week before I go shopping then it falls apart until my next trip. It helps me make my grocery list and makes putting away the groceries so much easier if it is cleaned up.


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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