Monday, January 12, 2015

I'm still here…..

I'm back in Canada but not quite ready to put pen to paper (or is it fingers to keyboard?) for my regular posts. Between travelling, coming back to sub zero temparatures, getting the girls ready for school, getting the house rid of it's Christmas stuff, and mountains of unpacking, we're swamped in these corners!

Soon though… very soon…. maybe as soon as tomorrow if I can just get my act together!

And in case you'd like to see these kissable faces… and mine too! 

Chat soon.

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  1. Subzero temps.... BBBRRRRR!!!

    Can't it just be summer already!

  2. Definitely been thinking about you...take all the time you need <3 We will always be here waiting!!

  3. Aww the girls are getting big! Looming forward to hearing more from you when this calm down

  4. Glad you guys made it back safe and sound! Can't wait to hear about your travels. We just got back from a week away and I should be unpacking and doing laundry, but...I'm procrastinating instead ;)

  5. Glad you made it back and looking forward to hearing about your trip


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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