Thursday, August 16, 2018

Words to live by....

Hello there, strangers! It's been a while. I have been busy soaking up the summer sunshine with these girls of mine. I am popping in though to join in with Sierra and some other lovelies for a little girl chat.


It's all about the favourite quotes this time....

Starting with my very favourite #obvi. 

Image result for and though she be but little

This one has been on the header for my blog from very early on. Shakespeare said it best but he actually was speaking about Helena in A Midsummer's Night Dream and not in the best context, speaking of her being a shrew!

And there is this one that I want my girls to adapt as their personal mantra... Believing is everything!

Image result for she believed she could

A friend wrote this in my yearbook when I left high school and I just love it. Some words to live by-- especially with hindsight being 20/20
Image result for life believe is not a dream

Yep, are you sensing a theme with the strong girl quotes?!
Image result for she wasn't looking for a knight she was looking for a sword

Many years ago, I heard this quote when Princess Diana read it out and I just fell in love with it... Kindness and courage, friends!

Image result for life is mostly froth and bubble

And this is my very favourite love quote... rings true to the core of love to me! 

Happy Thursday, friends!!


  1. Hi Sarita!! I love all of your quotes!! You had me at kindness and courage!!! May we all be strong women!!!! I am now followin gyou. You can follow back of you wish at Annster's Domain

  2. Ive always loved the "she believed" quote. So powerful!

  3. OOooo, I love these. Lucia has the Shakespeare one framed in her room.

  4. These are all so great, Sarita! I always loved, She believed she could, so she did. It's such a great motivator. Thank you for joining us :) Sierra Beautifully Candid

  5. "she believed she could so she did" is a favorite of mine :). Love all of these, some were new to me!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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