Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Currently- March 2018

Time for some Currently with Anne and Sarah! Here's what's been happening around here...

The summer out! Yes, it's not even spring yet and I'm planning summer! With a few trips (one plane and a couple road), family obligations and summer camps, summer will be a full one. 

Image result for summer

a big pile of summer stuff on my bedroom floor as packing for Mexico is nearing completion (we leave tomorrow!). Also, have I mentioned packing cubes! Best purchase ever!!
Image result for packing

the girls' lunches the day before- SUCH a game changer! 

that my IQ isn't lowering as I sort of watched the least interesting season of The Bachelor ever. And even the 'scandalous' end was mind numbing and lasted way too long. Uggggg...... 
Image result for the bachelor boring gif

I'm slowly transitioning from my very thick winter coat to my thick winter coat as the temps are still low. However, come tomorrow, it will be all summer stuff for seven days!

See you in a couple weeks, friends!!!


  1. Eek, Mexico!! Have so much FUN!!!!

  2. Yes! I’m totally planning for summer too, being on the summer vacays!

  3. excited to see what you guys do in Mexico! Planning for summer gives so much to look forward to.

  4. How fun you are going to Mexico!!! You are going to have a blast! And LOL at the, I am going from my very thick winter coat to my thick winter coat, haha!!! Have so much fun on your trip!!!

  5. Have a great trip! I am planning for summer too! I registered Zachary for a bunch of camps and then though hmm, I wonder if this other place would also have good camps for him...arg! Stresses me out.

  6. Ooh I hope you have a great time in Mexico! I'm semi-planning for the summer. No trips, but there are things that I want to do!


  7. I can't believe I wasted 5 hours of my life the past few nights watching that ridiculousness, but am SO happy for the Bachelorette announcement :-D
    Green Fashionista

  8. Yes, packing cubes are the best for efficient travel packing! Super jealous of Mexico - have a great trip! An excuse to wear the summer clothes this time of year is the BEST :)

  9. Have a great trip & enjoy the warm sun for me, please!

    PS - I've never heard of those packing cubes & now, I think that I must have them. Tee hee!

  10. Happy March Break!! Let's hope the weather takes a turn in the next week. Winter was fun, but let's move on!

  11. Hopefully soon you'll just be wearing jacket, not so heavy ones at that. I hope you guys are loving Mexico!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!

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