Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Wednesday Confessions

Wednesday seems like a totally random day to just fill with some confessions right?! Here we go...

- The other day I gave my kids  chicken noodle soup because C was begging me to buy a soup in the can. I threw some frozen corn in to pretend effort was involved.  A was like "Oh my gosh, who is the chef of this soup?" C responded " Campbells." No words kids, no words. 

Image result for campbell's soup meme

- Manners mean a whole whole bunch to me and I'm trying to instill it in my kiddos.  Grace is glory, friends! 

- This winter weather has me definitely feeling those winter blues--- bleh! Snow days help though!

- Not going to lie. I love a good snow day! Those slower days with the kiddos and family time are sometimes just what we need. 
Image result for snow day meme

- I almost never do this except in the summer or on vacay LOL but I totally had wine on a Tuesday night. I blame the snow day and the feeling of downtime with only us... the fantastic four. Ha! 

- I freeze when I have a difficult conversation or even a confrontation..... which is almost never.  I get shaken and very upset. After I rehash it in my head and then think of 10 ways I could have said things better. I need to get out of certain head- spaces when people are having real problems out there. 

- I am waiting for a warmer day before I fill my gas or wash my car. 

- A playing cards with us is the funniest thing. She drops the cards with thought and an exclamation like "Boom" or "Take that." I don't know if to be proud or worried. 

- I want to do yoga every week but because of trying to get those damn steps on my fitbit, it's the first thing to fall by the way side if I get 4 days of exercise in instead of my 5-6. 

- I have to weigh myself everyday to hold myself accountable when I'm watching what I eat.

- I wasn't a Colton fan so I thought this would be the season I skipped. Yeah that didn't happen. I no longer watch it on a Monday night though. Instead I keep it on in the background while I'm working. That's progress no?

Image result for colton memes

Here's to Wednesday, lovelies! May it be wonderful!


  1. Too funny, I’m waiting for a nicer day to wash my car too. Love the confession about the soup and totally still love snow days.

  2. I soooo relate with the difficult converstaion thing. I alwats think of 10 ways I could have said things better. It really only bothers me if its people I genuinely dont want to have difficult convos with i.e. those closest to me. In work/court settings I can do and say whatever (within reason) with no regrets though.

    I weigh myself everyday too. I cant help it.

  3. I rally try not to weigh myself every day! But sometimes I do. The small fluctuations are kind of weird! I think we'll have another snow day this week. We're expecting a lot of snow this time!

  4. I have issues with difficult conversations as well I can do just fine with strangers but those close to me naw. I also have a tendency to cry when frustrated which makes me even more embarrassed.

    I used to do the daily weigh and then it just got to be to much I threw out the scale and gauge things on how my jeans fit.

  5. Funny enough I wasn't looking forward to this season of the bachelor, but for some reason i'm totally into it! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  6. I too have struggle with difficult conversations. It's hard but I'm working on it. A bad conversation stays too long with me and then I'm miserable for days. I cannot let someone have that much power over me anymore. Oh man, manners!! It's shocking how few manners people seem to have these days and it makes me crazy!! I swear the people who work in my office building are the rudest folks on the planet!! So rude.

  7. I love reading posts like this. Your kids crack me up.

  8. I will not wash my car until summer - HA! Why waste the money?!?! It is yucky every other day!

  9. LOL at no soup for you! Sending some warmth and hugs your way to combat those winter blues. And I hear ya... I was not happy about Colton being the Bachelor but he has grown on me. Anything is better than Arie last year!
    Green Fashionista


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