
Saturday, December 31, 2016

Best of 2016

I'm in beautiful Trinidad and Tobago sipping a cup of tea, peering through an open window and looking at the lush greenery outside. What a wonderful time to reflect on 2016.

We started in January by unpacking and moving all our stuff our lives into our new home. We will not forget the kindness of our family (my brother and my sister in law especially) and friends during this very hectic time in our lives.

In February, we went on a very appreciated vacation to Mexico (crutches for D and all)

March brought March break, lots of friends coming to see our new home and our introductory visit to Great Wolf Lodge

In April, we celebrated our firstborn's seventh (!) birthday and welcomed spring.

Our in-laws visited us in May to celebrate D's birthday, oh and this happened. 

June brought lots of visitors(my in laws returned and my mom) to help out with my broken collarbone and we sadly had to say a 'see you soon' to my brother and his family.

In July, lots more pool time, swimming, horse back riding and girls rock camp, a quick roadtrip to Rochester and this little lady's birthday party!

My love and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary with 5 days in Calfornia: San Fran, Napa and Sonoma. The girls chilled out in the NYC with my mom.

Oh and we glamped in our backyard with friends.

School began again in September. And so did our 21 day fix ;-s


In October, we celebrated Thanksgiving, went to Oktoberfest, did Divali and then had a mad rush to get ready for Halloween the day after in October

November was fun with my first girls' night away and another family trip to GWL. (and I got a new nephew)

And then December was a wonderful Christmas once more with family and friends (recap coming when I get my act together) and a trip to Trinidad.

Wishing all my readers, friends and family all wonderful and happy things in 2017. Thank you for following along on our little adventures.


  1. I'd say that definitely qualifies as an awesome year.

  2. That looks like you had a great year! I hope you have just as great of one this year!

  3. Happy New Year! What a great year you had! Minus the whole collar bone thing, yuck! At least you had help!

  4. What an amazing year friend. I have one of these posts in the works to... if I finish it before 2018 :P.

  5. What a fun year you guys had, minus the broken collar bone. And your vacation pictures in Mexico... I'm ready to go today! :)

  6. Happy New Year, I hope 2017 is just as awesome as 2016 for you!

  7. That looks like a pretty awesome 2016. Here's to an even better 2017. Happy New yEar!!

  8. Such a beautiful year for your sweet family! happy New Year!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!