
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Three things….

I saw this post on momfessionals a while back and thought it was a wonderful idea to play catch up with each of us. 

(and of course using as many vacay shots as possible) 


1- This little lady is about to turn seven next month and has been planning her gymnastics party since last year! However, mom someone dropped the ball (what with a huge move and all) and when it was time to book, everything was all booked in our local gym. Fear not, a trampoline party was then met with open arms. It's a new place that opened up close to our house and they're taking care of everything. All I have to do is some invites, a cake, a veggie/fruit tray and  maybe a banner/balloons and we are good to go. She is however spending more time on her guest list than I spent on my wedding guest list!
2- We have quite the reader on our hands. She will beg for a book every.single.time we go anywhere! Thankfully, I discovered a library just around the corner in our new hood. 
3- Her extra curricular activities right now include gymnastics, violin and her final year of Kindermusik. Skiing is done and I hope to sign her up for swimming very soon.


1- This little lady has become obsessed with friends, I tell you…. obsessed! She counts her friends on her hands and chats about them all the time. She is always wanting to meet up with them and have super long playdates
2- Speaking of obsessions, play doh is another one! She can play for hours with that stuff and although it is the bane of her dad, it gives mama just enough time to make some dinner.
3-  Someone got a healthy bob recently. I've always loved bobs on little girls and I've done them a couple time on Cass. However, A's hair took really long to come in as a baby so I've always been hesitant to cut it but this time we went big...

The before-- like literally the hour before.

And the after… I love it!!! Looks so healthy!


1- D's foot is finally on the mend! It's occupied a lot of our time/thoughts in the past couple months. 
2- Now that it's on the mend, I'm hoping that the new garage can be cleaned up and the office too-- hint, hint! 
3- Totally random, but D has this special gift. He can taste something and instantly know the spices. You know how lots of people taste familiar spices but don't know exactly what it. Not my guy…. because of that, it's easier for me to replicate a recipe that I like! 


With the biggest hibiscus margarita ever.

1- These past few months have been tricky with the move, all the unexpected things, D being sick etc so I've been overwhelmed and I've not found the time for blogging that I used to. I miss it (and you guys) and hope to get back around to it more! 
2- My workout has also suffered and that needs to be corrected ASAP. My usual drop the kids, squeeze my workout in has not been working as so much stuff needed my attention. If I'm being 100% honest, my clothes are not fitting me like they should--- eep! 
3- I started reading again right before Mexico and I'm a little obsessed with Liane Moriarty. I read three of her books in rapid succession and now I'm craving more! 

Our home

And as our house takes up as much time as a fifth member of our family, here are her three things (I think she's a girl as only women are so high maintenance)--
1- Our kitchen- barring the lights is complete. The counter-top, new sink, faucet, white sockets/switches and backsplash are installed and so are the stove and downdraft! 

2- I got my plants in!! My friend Dani devoted a couple hours to helping me purchase and pot seven plants throughout the house…. now not to over water them! She says the trick is for the soil to be bone dry before watering them. I feel sorry for the plants and I think they are thirsty. 
3- The painting of the trim, fireplace, doors and the walls upstairs is complete! We are taking just a little break before doing just the hallway downstairs and the trim. 
(pictures coming soon!)

And there you have it… have we caught up a bit!? :-)

Linking up with:
Annie and Nat for Thoughts on Thursday.
and Extremely V and Penny for Thank Goodness It's Thursday

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  1. What fun! This is a great way to recap!

  2. What a sweet post! I would love to try a hibiscus margarita, it looks seriously delicious.

  3. Can't wait to see more pictures of the house!!!!

  4. Your kitchen looks gorgeous just from that sneak peak photo! I love the all white backdrop. Glad to hear D is doing much better.

  5. Your girls are beautiful! That margarita looks delicious!

  6. What a fun recap of life lately. I have totally had that happen to my clothes before too. It tried to say they shrunk but....

    I am seriously crushing on that gorgeous back splash. So pretty.

  7. So fun! Glad your husband is on the mend! I LOVE your white backsplash! We're looking for new kitchen counters and that backsplash would look fab with new counters ... hmm ;)

  8. A's haircut looks so cute! I love bobs on little girls too. And I'm the same with overwatering plants! Maybe I'll try your friend's trick!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  9. Play dates and gymnastics! Who doesn't love trampolines and having lots of friends to count?

    Hibiscus margarita? Interesting and delicious sounding.


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