
Friday, March 11, 2016

Vacaciones- Mexico 2016

Friday favourites is about Mexico today!

I’m back… from an awesome, super relaxing vacation with our family of four in beautiful Mexico…. I booked this vacay exactly one week before we came to see our new house--- otherwise, let me tell you, our little family would have been home all winter long!

But this vacation was much appreciated after all the stuff going on with our new home. Things just were taking so long to get done and we weren't finding solutions to some of our issues. Up to the day before we left, contractors were around doing stuff!  One night, our painter left at 10 pm! That coupled with Darin’s foot seriously acting up up until we were on vacation (wheel chair travel and crutches in Mexico for a part of our stay) had us seriously grateful for the week away.

So vacay (in the verb form), we did and it was simply lovely. We stayed at the Paradisus Cancun which was very kid friendly and spent most of our days at the pool and at the beach. We didn’t do much more than sit around, swim, lay in the sun, read, play with the kids, nap, go to some shows (with questionable content for the young minds but they loved it anyway), have our fair share of margaritas  and eat…

Oh the food! I thought I loved Mexican food before but I’ve come back home with a whole new appreciation for it. I’m slightly obsessed with  ceviche and there was this breakfast dish (chilaquiles verde) that I had after I discovered it.

A video is here--- don't know if it will work!

Here are just a few shots from last week. 


PS. I've also been very scarce as 1997 called asking back for its internet connection. Seriously, the internet in the new house is sooooo slow. I begin writing something- or commenting on the blogs of one of my lovely friends and it takes forever or totally drops the connection. We've had multiple technicians come out to try to fix it and after the last one it seems to be better so here's hoping it's fixed.

Have a fun weekend, friends. Mine involves a whole lot of nothing as I finally emerge from the pile of vacation laundry and next week is March break with the kids at home. 

Linking up with 
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday
Amanda for Friday Favourites

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  1. Your trip looks AMAZING! I look forward to these kinds of trips when the kids get a little older.

  2. I'm so glad that you were able to get away, especially in the midst of everything going on with your house! It looks like your family enjoyed an amazing vacation!! I loved the video and all of your photos are priceless!!

  3. Good luck with the slow internet...we struggle with that too out on the acreage. Also? Your vacay photos are beautiful! Your family is stunning.

  4. Such gorgeous pictures!! Look at those smiles your littles had!! Happy Friday! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Wow looks so amazing!!! AND OMG CHILAQUILES!!! I eat those EVERY SINGLE DAY for breakfast whenever I'm in Mexico. So good! I've found them at a couple of restaurants here too, but love those!

  6. Cancun looks amazing! What a great get away. Yes, the food is always sooo good. It seems like the memory does no justice for the food until you get to experience it again.

    Bummer about your husband's foot and having to use crutches or a wheel chair.

  7. What a lovely family vacay! The resort looks gorgeous. i've been dying to check out Mexico. I'm sure it was a nice break from all the hectic-ness of moving house, painters, contractors, etc/

  8. So jealous of your Cancun trip!!! These photos are absolutely gorgeous! Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Glad you had such a great time! These are great pictures!!

  10. Oh goodness you got some great photos. That one of the girls on that deck is so, so sweet too. Have a great weekend friend!

  11. I actually had to stop reading this mid-post so I could go research vacation packages ;) Serious beach envy right now! Love all the sweet family snaps and glad you guys had a great time.

  12. You got the most beautiful vacation pictures!!! Like iconicly good, should be in a travel brochure. The colors are so vibrant!

  13. That looks so nice!! Although the winter wasn't too bad, a nice tropical vacation would be perfect!

  14. Those pictures are amazing!!!! Looks like tons of fun. :)


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