
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Greatness at Great Wolf Lodge

Our Canadian 'March Break' follows the American spring break. As we just came back from Mexico, we kept it pretty low key but still managed to have some fun. Here's just a bit of picture over load. The highlight for my kids was Niagara's Great Wolf Lodge. It was our first time there with 

My friend Jenn organised it and our four went with her family and her sister's family. We spent lots and lots (and lots) of time in the water park…. I mean about 80% of our time. There were pools, slides, rides and 'hot tubs'. 

 We ate a LOT of junk

My little ladies also got their first manicures… They loved the pampering and now when A sees my nails painted, she asks if I went to 'scoops' (the name of the place). 

These two are so cute!

They also loved the story times, the arcade and all the Magic Quest fun. Jenn and her family are experts in this place so they made sure to take us around to see everything!

We just went for one night but then stayed the next day until story-time… you're allowed to use their facilities until 9 pm after you check out. My two crashed almost instantly. 

The rest of March break was mostly local and pretty low key! Lots of library programs including a puppet show and a magician. We also had my nephew for his very own parent-free sleep over and celebrated St Patty's Day with the kids, wings, green beer and apple juice. 

It wasn't just all fun though. My kid accidentally and majorly flooded my friend's toilet and almost a floor of her house. It was INSANE and AWFUL! The other one gave herself some bangs, there was a very messy threat of room switches, broken ornaments and windows and all sorts of other crazy going on…

And now we have a long weekend coming up. Hopefully, it's nice and low key and there are no major calamities to report. 

Wishing everyone a wonderful Easter weekend! 

Annie and Nat for Thoughts on Thursday.
and Extremely V and Penny for Thank Goodness It's Thursday

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  1. Yikes on the accidental almost flooding! That place looks great- we're doing Niagara this summer so I'll have to add it to my list.

  2. That was worth it just for all those pools. Looks like a great time! The flooding, not so much. I remember doing that when I was little. Apparently you can't just flush a whole roll of toilet paper at once... Very traumatizing. My sister and I also gave each other haircuts once. Very modern avant garde uneven styles. Ha, this post is bringing back all kinds of memories ;)

  3. What a fun trip!! I love the picture of the girls getting their nails done - so cute! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  4. I have always wanted to try one of these places but have yet to pool the trigger.

    Dude, sounds like your week has been crazy!!!

  5. We've only ever been for a wedding reception. I really want to go and stay!

  6. I have heard such great things about Great Wolf! Ill have to investigate and see if theres one close by. Wow! Talk about excitement I hope everything turned out ok!

  7. Ooh, we have a Great Wolf Lodge about an hour from our house and I've been thinking it'd be fun for the kids ... so cute!

  8. What a fun trip! We have a Great Wolf Lodge close by - when Mila gets a little older, I think we may need to visit! We've been talking about going to Niagara Falls this summer, but I'm not sure we'll make it. Definitely on my bucket list though. Oh no to the flooded toilet and accidental bangs!


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