
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

What's Up Wednesday- October 2019


Happy Halloween Eve! Is that even a thing? Maybe we should make it one... Here are all the random happenings that have been going on...

What we're eating this week?
Tuesday- Turkey Sausage vegetable soup
Wednesday- FIsh and maybe a salad
Thursday- Halloween- we've done Mexican for the past few years
Friday- We are heading to a fund raising dinner with some friends in Listowel.

What I'm reminiscing about
Halloweens past! 
Our first foray into costuming... Oh the cuteness

What I'm loving
Our uncle made me this pumpkin flower arrangement and it's bringing me so much joy! 

Oh and Pottery Barn towels that my mom introduced me to. They are simply the softest towels I've ever used!!

What we've been up to…
Divali posted about yesterday

What I'm dreading…
Not a whole lot... maybe the rain they are expecting for Halloween! 

What I'm working on
Trying to understand a new part of my role before January.

What I'm excited about…
Halloween and all the Kit Kats/Wunderbars that are going to enter my body... 

What I'm watching/reading…
In the fall line up, I'm enjoying This is Us, A Million Little Things, Almost Family and Grey's (although I'm feeling this season it's jumped the shark). Together, D and I have been watching Four Weddings and a Funeral - The Miniseries (love it!), Modern Love and Fleabag.

Reading will be it's own separate post.

What I'm listening to..
Guided Meditation in the am. I rotate between Headspace, Calm and Spotify. Mornings when I'm up by myself is an awesome time of day. 

What I'm wearing…
Jeans and long sleeves! It's getting cold...

What I'm doing this weekend…
Spending the night in Listowel after the fundraising dinner, a Halloween party, maybe a visit to Chapters and skating. 

What I'm looking forward to next month? 
Starting the holiday season slowly and off right!

What else is new?
A mad rush after Divali to get the Halloween decor up! 

My banner is all tangled up so I had to use a backup!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, loves!

 Linking up with  Shay and Shaeffer


Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Divali 2019

This weekend, we celebrated Divali, our Festival of Lights. We had such a wonderful time celebrating. Take a look....

 For the first time, we did Rangoli patterns at our front entrance the day before Divali.

We also tried our hand at making ras gulla/gulab jamoon. 

Followed by a low key family dinner of Indian takeout and Apple J.

On Sunday, after our family prayers at home, we headed to D's aunt's place in Mississauga as we usually do for a very festive, fun evening. We did manage to snap a few shots before of the girls in their beautiful Indian wear. 

Sparklers were a huge part of Divali for me growing up and my kiddos love it as well.

My little poser came up with this shot on her own. Mama's proud, love!

I even squeezed one in of myself.

Prayers, dinner and then more pics followed!!

I can't seem to find shots of all of us there that night including the wonderful hosts. If I get one, I'll put it in.

Leftovers packed for the next day and dessert followed as well as presents.

Such a lovely weekend filled with prayer, celebration, delicious food and festivity! 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Fall Y'all

Happy Monday, lovelies! I'm still tired after our Divali celebrations heading late into last night- post coming soon. In the meantime, I took some autumn pics of our girls this past Friday when we had a PD day and intentionally made it a low key day. 

My girls had the sillies that day and I couldn't get them to cooperate.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, tree, plant, outdoor and nature

You can see it in all the expressions!!

Have a wonderful week!! It's going to be a busy one!

Friday, October 25, 2019

Fri-yay favourites!

Happy Friday, friends! This week has dragged on and then booom, here's Friday! Here's what's bringing us little bits of happy around here. 

1- I've been coveting these Wusthof knives from William Sonoma for a long time now and my sweet mom gifted us a knife block set. I'm excited to chop these days. Slicing and dicing has never been more fun! Oh the little things....

Wüsthof Classic 2-Piece Hollow-Edge Chef's Knife Set

2- Not a favourite, the closing of the pool. But always a favourite, the beautiful fall-scape in our backyard. I adore those fleeting fall colours. They are breath-taking. 

I'm loving all these beautiful, brilliant red trees these days too.

3- Date night last weekend brought us right back home to a nearby restaurant with just a little dessert and digestif. We have found neighbourhood babysitters (finally) and the kids are obsessed with them.

4- Am I the only one obsessed with vacuum lines? When we replace this carpet, I'll miss these rumba lines most. Also, it's the iRobot that does these haphazard lines. Not me going wild!

5- This weekend is Divali and since I'm banner crazy, I got a little sign in honour of the occasion.

Sidenote, also non-orange pumpkin obsessed.

Happy weekending, lovelies!