
Monday, October 28, 2019

Fall Y'all

Happy Monday, lovelies! I'm still tired after our Divali celebrations heading late into last night- post coming soon. In the meantime, I took some autumn pics of our girls this past Friday when we had a PD day and intentionally made it a low key day. 

My girls had the sillies that day and I couldn't get them to cooperate.

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, tree, plant, outdoor and nature

You can see it in all the expressions!!

Have a wonderful week!! It's going to be a busy one!


  1. Aw, those are still some really cute shots!

  2. I'm just dying over those fall leaves!! We literally will have like 2 days of color and then the leaves will all be on the ground!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!