
Friday, December 18, 2020

Friday Favourites

Yay for the last day of school... my kids aren't going back for the first couple of weeks in January, we filled out the forms yesterday. Who knows what our province will decide but we want to err on the side of caution for the couple weeks after Christmas anyways.  We've had lots of moments of quiet fun around here.... 

1- Our neighbourhood food drive that the girls host every year was once again a success. We didn't know how it would look this year as we are really trying to limit exposure to different places. The police station also wasn't accepting drop-offs as well. When my old gym (I'm taking a short hiatus) announced they were doing a drive and drop-offs, we jumped on it. They came and picked it up from my house! 

Can you tell we have lots of energy around here. 

2- PSA if you get a chance to try the Lindt panettone, please do. D has once again this year decreed it the best panettone he has ever had. 

3- My awesome friends jingled us again!

They drive up to Mississauga to get these donuts #hardcore.

4- We did sushi bowls the other night for dinner. My four are huge fans!!

5- These pretzel treats are so easy to make with the smaller kids. 

5- Not pictured very well but our kids' dentist had a drive-by Santa visit complete with letter drop-offs and treat bags. Everyone apparently decided to attend so we waited almost forty-five minutes for a five-minute experience, ha!! The puppy went also and was not pleased with the life-sized beaver mascots. 

6- Speaking of the little bugger, here he is in all his penned glory.

7- Mornings with the tree, carols on the TV, dog at my feet, fireplace on, coffee in my jug... 

8- Needed to pick up some hot cocoa bombs from a local bakery. It was closed except for pickups but I snapped a quick pic of this tree complete with baked ornaments. 

9- A is the cutest... she explores the presents under the tree like it's her job looking for new ones I may have wrapped for her and it's strewn everywhere after. 

Have an awesome weekend before Christmas, friends!

Linking up with Andrea. 


  1. So many sweet things! That panettone sounds delicious! And I love your Mrs. Claus mug. Have a super sweet and festive weekend!

  2. Your girls are so sweet to host a food drive! My goodness, your puppy is so adorable!! I hope you have a wonderful day, and a very merry Christmas!!
    Abby @

  3. Looks like you've been having fun! Great job on the food drive!

  4. Yay for winter break! Those boys don't start until Wednesday and believe me they are counting down. I love that your girls hosted a food drive. What a great way to give back. Your tree looks so beautiful! I hope you have a great weekend!

  5. How amazing that your girls hosted a food drive! I totally had to look up what panettone was, but it sounds good!

  6. I love your coffee mug! What a fun dentist to have a drive-by Santa experience!

  7. I have no idea what a panetton is but it looks delicious. Looks like you guys are having lots of fun. Enjoy your winter break.

  8. I love that your girls do a food collection! Those donuts look delicious and so festive! Enjoy the holiday break and have a Merry Christmas!

  9. Loving these cozy mornings too! And I need to make those pretzel treats <3

    Green Fashionista


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