
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Books Lately- October 2020

Once again- this month has been an overuse of library card kind of month. Here are some of the awesome books I read:

in 1942, Europe remains in the relentless grip of war. Just beyond the tents of the Russian refugee camp she calls home, a young woman speaks her wedding vows. It’s a decision that will alter her destiny…and it’s a lie that will remain buried until the next century. Juxtaposed against the modern day story, it was a page turner.

I loved this book so much. It was grippingly beautiful. It spoke of the horror of WW2 and the heinous crimes committed against both the Jews and other innocent bystanders. But it also spoke of the power of humanity, the different trials and tribulations of different times and the strength of the human spirit.

Don Tillman, professor of genetics, has never been on a second date. He is a man who can count all his friends on the fingers of one hand, whose lifelong difficulty with social rituals has convinced him that he is simply not wired for romance. So when an acquaintance informs him that he would make a "wonderful" husband, his first reaction is shock. Yet he must concede to the statistical probability that there is someone for everyone, and he embarks upon The Wife Project. In the orderly, evidence-based manner with which he approaches all things, Don sets out to find the perfect partner. She will be punctual and logical - most definitely not a barmaid, a smoker, a drinker, or a late-arriver. 

Yet Rosie Jarman is all these things. She is also beguiling, fiery, intelligent - and on a quest of her own. She is looking for her biological father, a search that a certain DNA expert might be able to help her with. Don's Wife Project takes a back burner to the Father Project and an unlikely relationship blooms, forcing the scientifically minded geneticist to confront the spontaneous whirlwind that is Rosie - and the realization that love is not always what looks good on paper. 

The Rosie Project is a moving and hilarious novel for anyone who has ever tenaciously gone after life or love in the face of overwhelming challenges.

Both funny and cringe-worthy at times, I loved Don and his quirks, rooted for him and wanted to shake him at different moments. It was a different,  light but well-written read. 

With a world-famous speaker at their university, Millie Morris and her four woefully single male colleagues make a pact that they’ll all find dates. Unfortunately, Millie has more success helping them make matches online than she does navigating the onslaught of lewd pics in her own feed. But when she creates a fictional name for a new account, Millie finds herself vying for the online attention of a man she sees every day in the flesh.

I've read a couple of Christina Lauren's books previously and I've thought them cute and a fun read. However, I found this one a little pedantic and  predictable, It was just meh...

Lydia and Freddie. Freddie and Lydia. They’d been together for more than a decade and Lydia thought their love was indestructible. But she was wrong. On Lydia’s 28th birthday, Freddie died in a car accident.So now it’s just Lydia, and all she wants is to hide indoors and sob until her eyes fall out. But Lydia knows that Freddie would want her to try to live fully, happily, even without him. So, enlisting the help of his best friend, Jonah, and her sister, Elle, she takes her first tentative steps into the world, open to life - and perhaps even love - again.But then something inexplicable happens that gives her another chance at her old life with Freddie. A life where none of the tragic events of the past few months have happened.Lydia is pulled again and again through the doorway to her past, living two lives, impossibly, at once. But there’s an emotional toll to returning to a world where Freddie, alive, still owns her heart. Because there’s someone in her new life, her real life, who wants her to stay. 

I thought this was going to be a meet cute. Then it was a hard, sad, devastating read that took such a twist but a wonderfully written one. At one point it dragged on a bit but ended really well. I saw the protagonist grow , make mistakes and really come into her own through it all. 

What if America had a royal family? If you can't get enough of Harry and Meghan or Kate and William, meet American princesses Beatrice and Samantha. Crazy Rich Asians meets The Crown. 

I didn't realise that this was a YA novel when I borrowed it. It was a fun cast of characters though that you'd love and love to hate. I got to read the second novel as well and it was also light and fun. It was very soap opera but sometimes we all need a little soap opera and saga in our lives.

What have you been reading lately?

                                                       Linking up with Steph for Show Us Your Books.

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  1. I thought American Royals was a fun escape. I have to get on book 2!

  2. I'm waiting for book 2 of American Royals from my library! The Things We Cannot Say was one of my favorites from last year.

  3. I think I felt the same about half night stand, I need to check. I love CL but some of their books are better than others for sure.

  4. I LOVED The Things We Cannnot Say and I'm still waiting for book 2 of American Royals through my library. I thought it was a cute soap opera type of story that I could totally see being turned into a movie series.

  5. Ok, Lydia Bird is going to be my next read! The Things We Cannot Say will be added to my ever growing list! Thanks!

  6. The Things We Cannot Say and Lydia Bird are both on my to read list. I enjoyed My Favorite Half-Night Stand, but I've felt the same way about their books- that they are too formulaic. So I haven't read one of theirs in awhile. I read The Rosie Project years ago and liked it.

  7. I'm looking forward to getting American Royals from the library.

  8. American Royals is next for me to read - glad to hear it was good!

  9. Nice mix of books! I need to read something by Christina Lauren -I've heard this isn't their best though.


  10. I read The Rosie Project a few years ago and remember it being very cute. I just finished American Spy and have four other library books sitting beside me to get through, luckily late fees are not being charged now!

  11. I thought The Things We Cannot Say was on my list, but I don't see it. The Rosie Project sounds really fun. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your month!

  12. I loved The Rosie Project, I thought it was so sweet! I've heard American Royals is such a good one, that is one I hope to get to soon!

  13. Lydia Byrd seems a lot like a Taylor Jenkins Reid book. I didn't like One Day in December so I'll skip this but if you haven't read that one by TJR (Forever, Interrupted), it's good!

  14. I have had The Things We Cannot Say on my TBR for months and honestly, wasn't even familiar with the plot, so I am glad to know what its about now, haha! I need to read it soon!

    Here are my September reads, if interested!


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