
Monday, December 2, 2019

Weekend Fun!

Happy Monday! This is one Monday that I'm not ready to get my usual Monday productive self on. All this gal wants to do is watch Christmas movies and eat cookies. But alas, soldier on we must. This weekend:

- kinda not really started on Thursday where in solidarity with our American family, we did a Thanksgiving Lite--- way more veggies than my American family has though.

- did most of my Black Friday shopping on Thursday online  (hello Zara) but quite honestly didn't do a whole, whole lot .

- Attempted to go to a couple stores on the Friday but once again, didn't buy too much.

- Date night with my favourite on Friday night. We saw Last Christmas which was so poignant and lovely. Tried the VIP cinema in town where you can order a la carte during the movie (and wine!).

- Our elves came on Saturday morning with some scones to lots of laughter and excitement!!

- Headed out to a Christmas experience on Saturday. Horse drawn trolley ride, crafts, Santa and treats- yes please!!

- Had some old neighbours of ours over here to see the 'new' house.

- Lots of laundry, Christmas movies and family time in between.

- C and I were supposed to head to a swim meet early Sunday but with the bad freezing rain coming in, D we decided it was best to stay in.  Can't say we didn't mind.

- Did some wrapping, gift organising, online shopping, Christmas baking (with the very few ingredients we had) and... you guessed it... laundry... all the while watching Christmas shows with the fam.

Nixed the regular Thanksgiving pies for cookies instead. #winning.

We played a game with her dad to see how many people she could wave to from the trolley and who would wave or smile back for points. Let's just say she won...

Have a wonderful week, friends!!!


  1. So much festive fun! Yay to the elves coming! Have a great start to your week.

  2. What a fun and festive weekend! I really want to see last christmas!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. It was REALLY hard getting back into routine this morning! Glad to hear you loved the movie, I've been wanting to check it out <3

    Green Fashionista

  4. What a fun and festive weekend!

  5. What a fun weekend. I love the picture with the horses. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road


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