
Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday Favourites and a little catch up!

It's been a hot minute since I blogged, huh? Life lately has been busy with appointments, errands, events and a whole lot of little things... in between all of that, I could not find the mental wherewithal to blog. Here are the little bits of happy around here these days.

1- We got our tree up this year and here's a sneak peek :-). Also pictured, my most favourite Rae Dunn $6 morning mug. Holds my regular 1.5 cups of tea just right.

2- Cold and flu season upon us. My kids are getting extra fruit and veggies these days and we are buying clementines by the crate!!

3- Friday nights are lit in this house, yo'!!

4- Saturday brought our first swim meet of the season in Oakville with our little swimmer improving her times in three out of the four races she swam! Her fly time improved by a whole 3 seconds!

4- We followed it up at our family's house where we dominated this awesome sushi platter.

That's an adult's glass of wine ;-s. Most likely mine, close to the edge. I'm awfully responsible like that. 

5- PSA- if you are looking for more natural deodorants, I'm loving this crystal stick that seems to check all the marks and actually works for my intense workouts.

6- My father in law introduced me to this game on Facebook and now I am hooked... Word Blitz is sucking my soul 3-4 times per day!
Image result for facebook word blitz

7- Parent teacher interviews this week. One of my faves. I always love to hear our teachers talk about our girls and all the fun and learning they get up to at school. Even when the teachers don't request an interview, I always ask for one anyways. There is always something we can get out of a conversation about my girls. My kiddos have won the teacher jackpots this year with two repeat teachers who I've loved over the years. 

Happy Weekending! A friend is coming over for some girl time, a possible Christmas market, a movie, skating and a birthday party. Oh and loads and loads of laundry!

Linking up with Andrea


  1. Your weekend sounds like it’s going to be fun, except the laundry, LOL! I would’ve went crazy for that sushi platter! Can’t wait to see more of your tree

  2. That remind me; I have got to get our gingerbread house kit this week! Looks like a fun week; my washer is already on it's 3 load of laundry today.

  3. I love seeing a glimpse of your tree. We're excited to put ours up soon. Ugh not looking forward to all of the germs. All the vitamin C is a must. Have a great weekend! Good luck with the laundry, I'm right there with you.

  4. We used to get sushi trays like that at Costco. Ours here doesn't have them...which is weird, because that was MN and this is CA. LOL I've used that crystal deodorant before and it worked well.


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!