
Wednesday, November 27, 2019

What's Up Wednesday- November 2019


Happy Thanksgiving Eve, Americans! That's totally a thing... Here are all the random happenings around here

What we're eating this week?
Monday- Callalloo Soup
Tuesday- Portuguese chicken and salad
Wednesday- FIsh and veggies of some sort
Thursday- A mini thanksgiving spread in honour of my American family.. not the full works: turkey, stuffing, some mashed cauli and some yet to be determined veggies!
Friday- Date night... destination still TBD

What I'm reminiscing about
10 years ago when I spent Thanksgiving in NYC with an all new 6 month old daughter... and the Black Friday Sale when I got a grey coat for less than $40 and a white one for about $80. Still have them both.

What I'm loving
This William Sonoma set one of my girlfriends gave me as a hostess gift last year and I'm busting out just in time for the holiday season.... Love the winter forest scent.

Oh and my Plum Plus membership with Indigo... I've made back my money already!

What we've been up to…
It's been a whole lot of busy. From  work to eye appointments to getting new glasses for an even more near sighted kid to snow tires to parent teacher interviews to christmas decorating to single parenting due to conferences/meetings. A whole lot of busy.

What I'm dreading…
Timing my very first swim meet. This year they've upped the volunteer commitment for swim from 2 to 4 or you pay $600. I had to do a timing clinic and everything. It's going to be 4-5 hours in the sweltering pool.

What I'm working on
Pre work before tax season begins come January. 

What I'm excited about…
I'm looking into doing this kindness calendar for my kids for their Advent Calendar as well as a tiny treat.

What I'm watching/reading…
Just wrapping up all those mid season finales and starting on those christmas movies in the background. Also, what did you guys think of DWTS. I was shooketh that Dawson didn't make it to the finals and watched half heartedly after but I'm happy for my girl, Hannah. I did love both Kel's and Ally's freestyles though.

Reading will be it's own separate post coming soon but I'm starting some Christmas reading now.

What I'm listening to..
I'm loving my guided meditation in the am so much so that I'm going to ask for a subscription as my Christmas present.

What I'm wearing…
I got a couple nicer tops and sweaters when we headed to Sherway this weekend and I can't wait to bust them out. If I were a better blogger, I'd have pictures of them along with some affiliate links ha!

What I'm doing this weekend…
Date night, some neighbours from our old hood are visiting, a holiday trolley ride, timing a swim meet (ugg) and maybe we can get started on some baking!

What I'm looking forward to next month? 
A whole lot of holiday spirit obvi but a whole lot of giving thrown in a well. We have a couple awesome charitable things in mind. 

What else is new?
Christmas decor post coming soon... here is a sneak peek. 

Have a wonderful Wednesday, loves!

 Linking up with  Shay and Shaeffer


Monday, November 25, 2019


Happy Monday and last week in November, friends. The next few weekends are full of random fun. Here's what we were up to this past weekend:

- D had a conference so the girls and I had a night in with one of my girlfriends: charcuterie, ceviche, shrimp and wine with some great convo -- yes please!

- 2 (!) handmade Christmas markets on Saturday with the kiddos before ordering in some middle eastern deliciousness for lunch when us four were reunited.

- Frozen 2 and a large popcorn (with 2 refills) for the win.

- One of those hygge screen time /laundry filled nights for the win.

- I squeezed in a spin class on Sunday am.

- We headed to Etobicoke for a sweet four year old's birthday at a play park. I might have snuck out for a bit of shopping in the area. 

- My favourite Sherway Gardens after for some shopping, picture taking and meeting the birthday boy's family for dinner after.

- Back home for laundry, lunches and a little bit of downtime. 

As you can see I have a little poser on my hands.

May your Monday be not so Monday-ish. It is after all the last one in November!!!

And sidenote, Happy 80th Birthday to my most beautiful, strong, sweet Grandma!! May you have many more healthy, happy years on this earth. I'm so blessed to call you mine. 

Four generations of firsts!!

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling

Friday, November 22, 2019

Friday Favourites and a little catch up!

It's been a hot minute since I blogged, huh? Life lately has been busy with appointments, errands, events and a whole lot of little things... in between all of that, I could not find the mental wherewithal to blog. Here are the little bits of happy around here these days.

1- We got our tree up this year and here's a sneak peek :-). Also pictured, my most favourite Rae Dunn $6 morning mug. Holds my regular 1.5 cups of tea just right.

2- Cold and flu season upon us. My kids are getting extra fruit and veggies these days and we are buying clementines by the crate!!

3- Friday nights are lit in this house, yo'!!

4- Saturday brought our first swim meet of the season in Oakville with our little swimmer improving her times in three out of the four races she swam! Her fly time improved by a whole 3 seconds!

4- We followed it up at our family's house where we dominated this awesome sushi platter.

That's an adult's glass of wine ;-s. Most likely mine, close to the edge. I'm awfully responsible like that. 

5- PSA- if you are looking for more natural deodorants, I'm loving this crystal stick that seems to check all the marks and actually works for my intense workouts.

6- My father in law introduced me to this game on Facebook and now I am hooked... Word Blitz is sucking my soul 3-4 times per day!
Image result for facebook word blitz

7- Parent teacher interviews this week. One of my faves. I always love to hear our teachers talk about our girls and all the fun and learning they get up to at school. Even when the teachers don't request an interview, I always ask for one anyways. There is always something we can get out of a conversation about my girls. My kiddos have won the teacher jackpots this year with two repeat teachers who I've loved over the years. 

Happy Weekending! A friend is coming over for some girl time, a possible Christmas market, a movie, skating and a birthday party. Oh and loads and loads of laundry!

Linking up with Andrea

Friday, November 15, 2019

Scandinave Spa Day

Happy Friday, friends! Here's a little recap of one of my very favourite days this week... our date day at Collingwood. I got a very generous spa gift certificate for my birthday from my most lovely friend and we were so excited to use it. We found a free day, albeit a bit late, got a friend to watch the kids for the day and off we went!

A two hour drive away, listening to music and having legit conversations....with NO interruptions! 

Got there at opening with a huge line before us and were told there was a 5 hour wait.. that's right--- 5 hours. They take your # and send you a text when there is a spot. Off we went to explore Collingwood and The Blue Mountain resorts.

Snow, snow, snow! Before it came to us this week...

As my kids would say, it was legit cold! We had to bring out the bigger jackets and all the gear.

Breakfast time! The owner was very friendly and photo bombed many a pic haha!

Window shopping and walking around a bit.

The Pepper Palace-- so much delicious stuff if you like heat.

We picked up a quick lunch and then headed to our appointment. Calamari and cauliflower for the win.

No pictures allowed in the actual spa but this was at check-in. 

So the spa process at this one is 15-20 minutes in heat (choices of heated baths, infrared saunas, sauna or my favourite eucalyptus steam room), 5-20 seconds in plunging cold (either pools or showers), 10-15 minutes rest either indoors or outdoors and then repeat as many times as possible. So relaxing and restful. Some of us even fell asleep.

We repeated for just under four hours and then went to a Greek restaurant in town for a delicious dinner.

Zoned out and hardly any makeup on.

We thoroughly enjoyed our day and each other's company and came back rested and rejuvenated. It was a lovely start to winter and the colder months ahead.

Linking up with Andrea

Happy Weekending, lovelies! It's the first swim meet of the season and we are ready!!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Books Lately

So cold outside and it actually snowed today. Lots!! Time for some wonderful reading... This month were a few great ones, one okay one and one dud. Here we go.

The Light We Lost by [Santopolo, Jill]

This love story between Lucy and Gabe starts on 9-11 when they were both university students. Based on their close encounter with this horrific event, they decide they want their lives to have meaning. Their story spans decades, continents, other life events, dreams, desires and betrayals. This poignant tale is probably the best one I have read all year... and it has been a great reading year. It is devastating well written and haunted me for days after. I cannot wait to read more from this author.

Life and Other Inconveniences by [Higgins, Kristan]

This book examines three generations of a family: A very wealthy grandmother, an abandoned grand daughter and her daughter and how their lives intertwine again after a long, understandable estrangement. I found myself identifying and getting annoyed with each of the characters in turn. It was very real, raw, human and touched on many very relevant issues today. It was a great read!

Ladies Who Punch- The Explosive Inside Story of "The View"
Ladies Who Punch: The Explosive Inside Story of "The View" by [Setoodeh, Ramin]
I love The View and watch at least a few episodes a week. This one was a page turner with many interviews with current and past co-hosts and great access to the behind the scenes of the show.  It was juicy, delicious and an easy read. If you are a fan of The View, you'll love this one.

Best Staged Plans by [Cook, Claire]

A quick read about a fifty something home stager going through a home crisis with selling her own home at this stage in her life. Lots of relationships, back and forth, quirks and quips. I didn't enjoy this one and struggled to finish it. 

The Hypnotist's Love Story by [Moriarty, Liane]

A love story about a hypnotist, her boyfriend and his stalker... and ex girlfriend. It's told from the hypnotist's and the stalker's point of view and I found myself empathising with them both. A love story and a bit of a thriller as well, I enjoyed this and was intrigued to know how it ended... a great one by Liane Moriarty again! 

What are you reading lately? I have a couple good ones that came in from the library all at ones... It's going to be a busy few nights. My kids might have to feed themselves dinner :-P

                                                  Linking up with Steph for Show Us Your Books.

This post contains affiliate links. Thank you for reading and supporting my blog.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Sephora Holiday Sale Gift Guide

Yay for Friday, and the Sephora Holiday Insider Sale!! Beauty Insiders can receive 10 to 20 % off their overall beauty needs and gift items just in time for the holiday season... This year, I deviated from the norm and got so many teacher/hostess gifts during the big sale. The points and free samples don't hurt either!

1- L'occitane Ornament: These would make wonderful hostess/support staff at school gifts. So pretty and with three luxury items inside.
2- Kiehl's products are awesome for this time of year in the temperate climates and this lip balm/hand salve combo will be what I'll be gifting my kids' teachers this year. A little indulgent, useful, none calorie laden treat for the new year ahead.
3- Beauty Blender- Who wouldn't love a new beauty blender and cleanser
4- L'occitane Break Apart kit- this one is perfect for breaking apart as a tiny token filled with 2 travel sized products for all the people in our kids'/our lives.
5- Brazilian Bum Bum Cream- If you're super close to someone who doesn't take offense: this holy grail body cream (my girls giggle at the name) lives up to the hype. I'm on my second jar already and the smell is divine as well. 
6- Almond Shower Oil- Yes, my third L'occitane product. I thought about switching it up but #honestopinions. I'm now just onto the mega refills. The oil cleanses and moisturises at the same time! This indulgent set would be a great way to introduce someone to all that almond goodness.

Yep, lots of sets/creams/washes. I thought we'd mix it up from all the cookies/candy/popcorn etc we give to teachers/hostesses this year. 

What's your holiday go to for teacher/hostess gifts? Also, did you indulge in the Sephora sale? What are your favourite purchases?

Linking up with Andrea

Happy Weekending, lovelies!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Currently and Prime Lately- November 2019

November fun!!! Here's a little currently with Anne:

Up after my kids... and also teaching them to pick up after themselves. The struggle is real, friends!

A pared down Christmas list for my kids. So many people want to buy stuff for them but they ask for random things like a backpack or white paint. This coupled with not wanting to contribute to the plastic catastrophe has me stumped.

To meditate each weekday morning. I'm beginning to look forward to it :-) both guided and unguided.

Grateful for all of life's beautiful, bountiful blessings. These gratitude practices have definitely helped.

A high school friend of mine just had her first baby. I'm loving all the beautiful, wonderful, advice seeking posts and pictures. The years really are too short! 

TBT to 10 years ago. Oh, my heart!!

Image may contain: one or more people and baby

And now here's some Prime Lately now with Tanya!

We have tons of natural light in our bedroom which is awesome in the winter months but come  nightfall, not so much. These eye masks do the trick.

Amazon Fashion for the littles is very cute! This poncho is such a high quality one and a favourite in our house. So much so that the 10 year old wants one too but it doesn't come in her size.

Hope & Henry Girls' Sweater Cape

This dress is also a cute one for the winter months ahead on those rare occasions that A wants to wear a dress. I love the detailing on the sleeves and pockets.

Hope & Henry Girls' Navy Ponte Quilted Riding Dress

These acrylic hoops are a great price, so light and perfect for both warm and cooler temps depending on which ones you choose.

Finrezio 4 Pairs Mottled Acrylic Hoop Earrings for Women Circle Hoop Stud Earrings Set Bohemian Statement Earrings Fashion Jewelry

We switched out our duvets to quilts and this one was super cheap and pretty good quality. Problem with this though is that I accidentally bought two! 

AmazonBasics Oversized Quilt Coverlet Bed Set - King, Cream Floral

What have you been buying lately?