
Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Life lately has just been buzzing by and standing still. Summer is filled with a whole lot of nothingness, busy, entertaining, downtime, pool time, screen time, family and friendships... Let's play a little catch up with some currently with Anne


Prime Lately for some of it. 
 The Ordinary Skin Care stuff to try because of the rave reviews and great prices. I will do a trial and report back here after a few weeks. 
The kids also got new Go Walks from the 50% employee friends' and family sale last week.


Movies with my kids in the night. 
The Grand Hotel while I'm cooking
The Jane the Virgin finale (so sweet)- initially Team Michael but now strongly Team Raph
Bachelor In Paradise (oh Blake, my fave from last season)
And I'm totally stoked for the 90210 reboot!!


Super easy stuff
Grilling creatively
Simple salads
Soups to use up the veggies in the fridge

Never mind the fingers going in...


A whole lot of randomness :
Whether A can go to tennis lessons with her cut on her foot
If I can get a handle on all of this taxation stuff I'm slowly learning
What A will think of the cheer class she is trying next week
If I can really have no sugar until next week - I'm thinking no LOL
What next year's extra curricular is going to look like...
When next we can go to the market.


My kiddos at home.  Yeah they ask for snacks all the time, bicker often and try to get away with lots of screen time but I love those crazy, lazy summer days!


  1. Is that your house / pool? It's so pretty! I keep forgetting about 90210 - that starts today! Yay!

  2. That's such a good observation about summer - I always feel like it flies by, but it really is filled with a bunch of nothingness at the same time. Which is sometimes good (we all need a little downtime sometimes!), but sometimes makes me a bit nutty when I just want to have some routine in life :) And ooh yes, interested to hear how you like the stuff you ordered from The Ordinary!

  3. Just finished Jane the Virgin and oh my gosh - love how it ended! I was always team Raf LOL! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  4. Ah, I'm so jealous of these pool photos. My pool has been out of commission all summer and I really miss it. It's one of my favorite parts of the summer! LOL


  5. Loving the pool photos. Your summer looked glorious and your kids look like they had a blast!

  6. I need to remember to record 90210. Such a throwback! I'm sure having the kids home for Summer is great even though they might drive you up a wall sometimes. Lol. It will be bitter sweet when the go back to school.


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!