
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

What's Up Wednesday- November 2018

Hello, lovelies! Here's what's going on with us in November...

What we're eating this week?
Monday: Grilled chicken breast, broccoli and chick pea pasta for the kids. 
Tuesday: We have a zoup fundraiser for swimming so we'll do dinner then.
Wednesday: Turkey burgers (on lettuce for the adults)
Thursday: meatless, I'm thinking a soup of some sort
Friday: dinner with my cousin who will be visiting. ,, maybe some Mediterranean
Not sure of our weekend plans yet. 

Low (ish) carb and low sugar with some little treats thrown, tis' being the holidays coming up. 

What I'm reminiscing about
Christmases past! 
Oh my heart!

What I'm loving
Online shopping... I went into a couple of stores and it's so weird all the lines and the looking for something and not finding it!! LOL.

What we've been up to…
Extra curricular has us busy every single day of the week. On weekends, we have been hunkering down and just spending time as a family... when we are not going to a swim meet that is. Speaking of swim meets, girlfriend crushed it again, getting 3 ribbons for improving her personal best times. 

And I'm trying to get all of my shopping done before the season gets very hectic. So far,  I'm in a good place. Now December will be lots of wrapping!
And here below also is the story of my Christmas life.

What I'm dreading…
It is so cold these days... and it's only November. 

What I'm working on
Getting my nine year old to pick up after herself without losing my mind--- mamas out there- any tips?

What I'm excited about…
 A little holiday cheer! Tis the season.

What I'm watching/reading…
All of the fall finales and then Christmas movies in the background while I'm working/cooking. 
O, The Oprah Magazine
I also love reading the holiday editions of magazines so I download my free copies that are available with my prime membership!

What I'm listening to..
So much holiday music... google music is crushing it. And the radio stations are slowly starting to play as well. 

What I'm wearing…
My real winter jacket already! Can you believe?!

What I'm doing this weekend…
My cousin is coming and he prefers more low key hanging out. We have a holiday trolley ride and santa visit with the kids, maybe a dinner or two out and some gingerbread decorating!

What I'm looking forward to next month..
All of the holidaying-- my in laws come to visit. Will be great to see them. And a whole lot of family time, baking, carolling, fun and christmas cheer!!

What else is new?
C is doing a neighbourhood food drive and the verbal response has been overwhelming! We collect next week but so far almost everyone has been so supportive. We have an awesome neighbourhood!

Have a wonderful Wednesday, friends!
 Linking up with Mel, Shay and Shaeffer


  1. Lol- no kidding on the Christmas gift buying imbalance! My goal is to have them done this week.

  2. We have got to get the santa photo this weekend!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. So proud of your girl in her swim meet. My nephew and niece are big swimmers too and I think its so cool watching these kiddos be little fishes.

    I havent watched any Christmas movies yet!

  4. Getting my kids to clean up...I have to tell them that if I clean it up for them I'll throw it all away. And then they cry.

  5. I hear ya on the Christmas shopping list duties! While I love shopping, it's hard coming up with the perfect gift for each person on the list especially his family. Congrats to your talented swimmer girl for getting 3 ribbons! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  6. LOL that looks like my Christmas shopping list - so true! And yay for all the swim meets, get it girl!
    Green Fashionista

  7. I'm not too excited about the real cold cold days either. Thanksgiving was pretty crazy at 15ยบ here in New York. That shopping list is so true!

    Amanda @ Cupcake N Dreams


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!