
Friday, October 12, 2018

Little Letters

Hello Friends.... Time for a long overdue little letters post.

Dear NYC Cousins,

You are fun. You are awesome. I love you guys. My most recent wedding trip was short but sweet and the fond memories linger on. The new whatsapp group is an awesome bonus and has me chuckling many times a day. 

Dear Four Day weeks,
You are simply the best! You don't come often enough.

Dear Fall,
You sure are pretty. I'm in awe of your beautiful hues at this time of year. If only I could get these colours but temps in the early twenties (Celsius)/seventies (Fahrenheit), life would be perfect. 

Dear Husband,
Thank you for holding down the fort while I was gone (see NYC trip above). Dad's the fun parent for sure and sugar may have been more plentiful but I came back home to very happy kids, a clean house and an organised shoe/coat cupboard. #winning.

Dear Amazon Clothes Purchase,
I'm loving the style and the price but I'm not loving the huge hole in the back of A's sleeve we discovered right after we took the tag off. 

Dear Juan Pablo,
I don't think you are going to win DWTS but I want you to. You are awesome and I love Fernando from Fuller House LOL.

Dear Netflix Canada,
Speaking of Fuller House, y'all need to bring Parenthood into our Canadian circulation!

Dear Baby Shark Doo Doo,
You are pure poetry-- just ask my three year old nephew or nine year old daughter or forty something ;-) year old husband. Your lyrics and melody transcends all ages.

Dear Body of Mine,
Though I gripe about my tummy, my thighs and my weight not being what I want it to be, I want to thank you for all that you do for me. Despite your challenges (hello spinal rod), you help me to rock a good workout, care for my family and self and have fun with whatever I do. You are strong, capable beautiful and awesome in your own special way and I appreciate the wonder of you. 

Happy Weekending, Lovelies!

Linking up with Taz


  1. As usual, I loved your Little Letters! So glad you enjoyed your NYC trip! Sounds like your husband did an amazing job while you were away too! :) Those fall colors are stunning! Your little sweetie looks adorable in that top! So sorry you spotted a hole in it though...especially after removing the tags! Hope your weekend is as lovely as you are, friend! xo!

  2. So funny that Baby Shark is making a comeback. I used to sing it with my bigger kids when they were little! Glad you had a fun time with your cousins. We have a family whatsapp group which is fun but can get annoying!

  3. Love these little letters. We know all about baby shark over here and now it will be stuck in my head all day :) Sierra Beautifully Candid

  4. What a gorgeous letter! I think I like baby shark more than sophia - she clearly doesn't get it yet LOL! xo, Biana-BlovedBoston

  5. The wedding looks gorgeous and so do you! LOVE your dress! Good to have hubby hold down the fort even if too much sugar was involved! LOL... I agree Amazon shopping is a God sent! xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis

  6. Three girls cousins looks soooo beautiful, dresses and makeup to perfection, amazing newlyweds, D is one in a million father . Back to no sugar girls, mom is back home. Lol.


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!