
Friday, September 7, 2018

First Day of School 2018

Happy Friday! So pleased to report First Day of School went off with out a hitch! I was a little nervous, I'm not going to lie, as this was A's first time in C's school.  Both girls went to Montessori until Grade 1 and I was even more nervous about C entering Grade 1. 

Here we are after breakfast...

Sidenote, I couldn't find my first day of sign so my felt like sharing sign totally did the job. It was a pain to switch out a word here and there quickly but all in the name of first day of pics and social media LOL.

These pottery barn kids bags have lasted my kids so long. This is A's third year with it and as good as new. I wanted to get her a new bag for Grade 1 but when I saw what good condition her existing bag was in, I decided against it. 

And then it was my fourth grader's turn. When did I get old enough to have a fourth grader on my hands?! 

She used her PBK backpack for three years as well before her dad bought this one for her. Let's see if it's as good as when mom makes the purchases.

Once again she is in a 4/5 split but that bit of info didn't make it onto the felt board. 

Then it was off to school. D and I both take them on the first day and then we go for breakfast after. I might have teared up a bit watching A line up with all those kids and then head into school. I'm glad I had some company after. 

I'm always a bit  nervous on the first day of school. Will my kids have a great teacher this year? Will they make good friends? Will the other kids be nice to them? Will they learn, grow and share? School and playground politics can be tricky things. We want so much for our kids but this pic I saw on FB captures what really matters most.... 

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Happy weekending!

Linking up with
Andrea, Erika and Narci for Favourites on Friday


  1. Your girlies are so precious, hope they have a great school year!

  2. I love the shirt your older one is wearing! Good luck with school this year!

  3. So glad they had a great first day!!! Way to improvise with the sign!

  4. They are certainly ready to tackle the school year! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. I love that wall sign! I think it should be printed at every school. First week is in the books!

  6. They grow up so quickly, imagine elementary school for both cuties. We are all so proud of the great job you guys are doing. They are so well rounded

  7. Look how big they are!! I love the family cute. Hope they have a great year!


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!