
Monday, January 8, 2018

New Year, New You... or Me?!

Happy Back to School Monday, lovelies! 

The girls are in school after a sticky, snowy commute in, the decorations are being put away while my house looks like a bomb exploded in it, dinner is prepped and my workout is done.We're trying to get back into our weekly routine of violin/piano/kindermusik/swimming/dance/skiing/cooking dinner at home... add the extreme cold weather and snowy banks we've been having  and I might not mind another couple weeks of long, lazy winter hygge. ;-s

But like the little engine that could, chug on we must and here are just a few January questions being answered from some lovely ladies at The Blended Blog
1. Resolutions or No Resolutions?
Absolutely, both for my kids and myself but that deserves a post all on it's own so come back Wednesday! 

2. Love snow or No Snow?
I love snow at Christmas and when I've got no place to go. Snow driving- no fun!

3. Name a New Place you want to go this year?

I'd like to visit some place new in Canada. We always hightail it out of the country when we can but this year, I'd also like to keep some stuff local.

4. Would you rather have a new Hair cut or Hair color?

Love both but a new hair cut makes me feel like I've lost five pounds!

5. Name one special thing you want to do for yourself this year?

I'd like to continue with my yoga practice. I started hot yoga last year and try to do it twice a weeks. I've come to fall in love with the practice.

6. Least Favorite thing about January?

The clean eating- lol.

7. Most Favorite thing about January?

My birthday! 

8. When do you take down your Holiday decorations?

January 6th but it's the 8th and my house is a wreck right now as I want to clear out the decoration storage room a bit before I pack back some more. 

9. Do you diet in January?

Yes, yes and yes! Or at least eat more veggies and fruit to begin and slowly phase the sugar out. 

10. What area of your home do you want to organize the most?

So much areas to organise but I'm thinking a few key cupboards in our house. 

11. Favorite Winter Comfort Food?

I love yummy winter soups. 

12. Favorite Guilty Pleasure

The Bachelor. #dontjudgeme 

Stay warm, everyone! Unless you're in the islands-- then stay cool. ;-D


  1. Oh, girl!!! Great answer for #12. Why didn't I think of that? I guess because I don't feel guilty watching it. I love Bachelor and Bachelorette so much. In fact, it is on right now and I am blog reading during the commercials. Good stuff.

  2. Baha ha ha! That last one left me laughing so hard. That is one show that I personally never got into, but I promise I don't judge those who do.

  3. I can't believe the snow you guys have had!!!

  4. Yesterday I started organizing one of my cabinets and the shelves all fell down! crazy!

  5. Yay for birthday month and more yoga! Sending lots of rest and relaxation vibes your way as your busy schedule amps up again <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. As I read your first paragraph, I said "I know, right?" I loved not having any lessons or games over the holidays, it all starts this week. I may link up to this on Thursday, I need an idea ;)

  7. Hope your birthday this month is fabulous! Yes, to the soups and no to driving in snow. Love snow but I agree with not driving in it. Hope your year is off to a bang!

  8. Happy birthday month sweet friend! I hope you get all the fresh haircuts and color/pampering in for your birthday! I don't think I could drive in snow...I can hardly even walk on icy grounds. Lol...Sounds fun to explore more of Canada as I've been doing in the US with road trips or quick, inexpensive flights. All the best to you and your lovely family for 2018! Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!