
Friday, December 15, 2017

Teeny Tiny Holiday Decorating Hacks

Who doesn't love a good hack? Especially around the holidays where time is as precious as a Fingerling Unicorn (the it toy of the season- so hard to find)... Here are a very few of mine.

1- Command hooks are awesome to stick on the wall, doors and windows. I use them for stockings, wreaths and garlands. 

2- When decorating our tree, we use a combination of cheaper items and more expensive ones. Like dollar store cheap and a few  nicer ones that are more neutral and can be used year round. I like a tree that's full but don't want to pay $1000 on ornaments. Also, if you have older decorations that you still want to use but it's not in the colour you want, feel free to spray paint it. 

3- How do you guys display your Christmas cards? I saw this at a friend's house and totally copied it. Two command hooks and either string or a simple garland  and some decorative clothes clips is how we display ours.

4- I love beautifully decorated gifts but don't want to spend hours creating beautiful bows. Our glue gun to the rescue. We make a fancy bow once and then use them year after year. 

5-  Need some height or some extra decorative accents? Cover some books or some empty boxes. 

And for some holiday entertaining tips, click here.
What are some of your favourite holiday hacks? Decorating or otherwise?

Linking up with 
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday
and Caroline and April for Five on Friday!


  1. I need to up my gift decorating game...a glue gun would be totally my thing...I'm the worst folder and wrapper. Have a great weekend!

  2. I love that hack for holiday cards - right now we just tape them up to our window mantle LOL! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. Your tree is so gorgeous! And love the hack for the cards, so smart! My decorating has been lacking this year sadly but your inspiring me!

  4. Totally with you on not wanting to spend $1000 on ornaments ... they are so expensive! I make most of my own and mix in a few special ones I've bought :)

  5. I have a massive wreath that I clothespin (painted gold) my cards too. Usually I use a command hook to hang it ;). I love these tips and hacks!

  6. I have been so afraid to try command hooks. I guess I need to get over it and try them. Cute card display. Beautiful tree!

  7. Great decorating ideas. We have a metal spiral wreath that we use to tuck all our cards into and then after the season is over I punch a hole in them (especially the photo ones!) and we string them on one of those hinged metal rings to set out in a basket the following year. It's so fun to see how much everyone's families have changed and grown.


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!