
Monday, September 11, 2017

Weekending in September

First off, prayers for Florida and all of the devastation our friends there have endured. Thinking of you all.

 Just a 'few' photos from our weekend.

Healthy nachos for dinner.  #kindasorta. I threw in beans and lots of sauteed veggies.

After a very productive morning of laundry, grocery shopping (still can't find all my veggies. Did I leave them in the store?!) and cooking for our niece, we headed to a local fall fair.
 Our little thrill seeker. Hands are up in the air for lots of the rides.

 Chicken hot dogs for dinner for all but one of us.

We then headed for a walk in downtown Galt. Reminds me a bit of a quiet European town.

And since LA Franks would be closing soon, their ice cream cones were in order.
The next day we headed to Toronto to visit some friends of ours. They made ceviche and poke for lunch. So delicious!

We had a tiny guitar player serenading us also.

So lovely out so we took the kids for a long walk.
My friend and I went to high school together but only became close right before I left TNT. We joke that she followed us up there.

And now it's Monday morning and the first full week of school with all the extra curricular starting!
Happy Monday, lovelies. May our week be short and our caffeine strong!

Linking up with Biana for weekending.


  1. Gotta love getting back to a packed schedule... or not. It look like y'all had a great weekend. Love those sweet sisters holding hands on the carousel.

  2. What a fun weekend! I hope you find your veggies!! I lost a bag of potatoes once. I must have left them in the store or the shopping cart!


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