
Friday, August 11, 2017

Downtown Cleveland and the Great Lakes Science Center

Days before our long weekend last weekend, D contacted his very distant but very close cousin growing up, from Cleveland to find out if they were free for a little visit from our little crew. They were so off we went on our totally unexpected road trip this summer... so unexpected, we planned it and then realised that C's new passport was being processed and we had to place a rush order! It was an amazing trip with some fantastic company and definitely one of our favourite weekends this summer...

These are just some pictures from a couple hours we spent in downtown Cleveland and the Great Lakes Science Center.

An outdoor concert at the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame.

Practise that violin, kid!!

 Our awesome hostess and her beautiful boys. Her husband had some stuff to do so we joined him later on.

Then it was off to the Great Lakes Science Center... people if you are ever in the downtown Cleveland Area, this is a must see venu even for the admitted unscientific people like myself. We stayed for hours!

LeBron James in Lego-- talk about talent!


Yes and yes! 

Happy Weekending, friends!

Linking up with
AndreaErika and Narci for Favourites on Friday


  1. What a great place to visit! It looks like you had the perfect weather and science centers are always so much fun to explore. Happy Friday friend.

  2. Looks like an amazing trip with perfect weather! What an unexpected surprise <3
    Green Fashionista

  3. We went to the natural science museum in Cleveland. I would like to check out the other one!

  4. What a fun family trip!! Looks like the weather was amazing! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  5. Looks like you guys had a lot of fun in Cleveland. I actually live near Cleveland and it has been years since we have been to the since museum, I really need to take my kids there

  6. So fun and looks like you got some amazing weather! Glad you were able to get C's passport renewed quick enough. Happy weekend! xo Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis


Hearing from you makes me so happy!!