
Thursday, July 20, 2017

A day trip to Shelburne, Vermont.

Whilst we were in beautiful Middlebury, Vermont, (a beautiful but very quiet town- read not too much to do) we headed out to the neighbouring town of Shelburne for a couple hours to check it out.

First stop, Shelburne Farms. It's an educational, working farm focusing on sustainability. At over 1,400 acres it is a historical landmark in the area.

She does know about the goat lol

Lemonade while waiting for lunch.

The kids enjoyed the cheese making process and the sampling of the cheeses.

D: let me buy you a chicken for our next anniversary.
Me: :-s

After lunch there we headed to the Teddy Bear Factory. Our kids enjoyed the tour.

They helped make their own teddy bears. A little like Build a Bear but more old school (and more expensive) 
A great way to spend a few hours.

Linking up with Julie for Thoughts for Thursday.


  1. Looks like a fun day! The cheese sampling would have been fun!

  2. More old school and more expensive, lol! Got to love all the touristy things to do. Vermont looks SO pretty. We've never been but I would love to go after seeing your photos.

  3. What a perfect day! your girls are so cute and Vermont looks gorgeous!

  4. I love Vermont. I would love to go to the Teddy Bear Co!

  5. I've never been to Vermont but sounds like you found some fun and family friendly places to visit! A new experience for the girls on their summer vacation. Emily @ Martinis & Bikinis


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